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Happy Monday! JANUARY 25, 2016. Essential Question  How do persuasive messages, both explicit and implicit, shape our ideas, values, beliefs, and/or.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday! JANUARY 25, 2016. Essential Question  How do persuasive messages, both explicit and implicit, shape our ideas, values, beliefs, and/or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday! JANUARY 25, 2016

2 Essential Question  How do persuasive messages, both explicit and implicit, shape our ideas, values, beliefs, and/or behaviors?  Look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary

3 Monday, January 25, 2016 Everyday Editing Warm-up  The First Typewriter  Before computers, people would type letters and other documents on Typewriters. The first patient for a typewriter was granted on January 7, 1714 but it is years before the first typewriter was invented. In 1808, Pellegrino turri build the first typewriter for his friend, countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzano. He also invented carbon paper, which was used for the machines ink. Not much is known about the first typewriter but people can still read letters that the Countess typed on that typing mashune.

4 RAFT  Role of the Writer: Who are you as the writer?  Audience: To whom are you writing?  Format: In what format are you writing?  Topic: What are you writing about?

5 Cell Phones in School  # the paragraphs  Circle key words  ? Any questions  Highlight in  Yellow= thesis or position  Orange= 3 reasons  Green= counter argument Key words

6 Four Square Chart-Take a stand  Create your thesis or position

7 Wrap-up  (21)The commercial district near our apartment offers restaurants featuring foods from around the world.(22)Although my apartment home is smaller than the country house, it has expanded in new ways.(23)Granted, I’ve missed my weekend horseback rides and the freedom to roam the meadows and hills.(24)City life, however, offers other stuff.(25)I can see major league ball games, go to a science museum, or visit the zoo. 1. Justin can improve the clarity of sentence 22 by changing it to — F my house G my world H the yard J the food 2. Justin has used a poor choice of words in sentence 24. He should change stuff to — A rituals B items C opportunities D places

8 Essential Question  How do persuasive messages, both explicit and implicit, shape our ideas, values, beliefs, and/or behaviors?  Look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary

9 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Warm-up Everyday Editing  Elvis Presley  In the united States, if you hear someone talking about The King," their probably talking about Elvis. Elvis Presley was known as the King of Rock-andRoll. He was born on January 8, 1935 Growing up, Elvis was shy, but he love to sing and play geetar. He sang in public for the first time and got his first guitar when he was ten. When Elvis was in eighth grade, his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. Elvis got to learn a lot more about music and meet people in the music business. Eventually, he got a record deal and become famous. Some of Elvis most popular songs were "Heartbreak Hotel, "Jailhouse Rock," and "Blue Suede Shoes."

10 Cell Phones in Schools Conclusion

11 Wrap-up  (16)At this point the glass and plastics require some additional sorting, but before long all the recycled items are ready to be processed.(17)Paper is stripped of its ink, squashed into a pulp, thoroughly washed, and pressed into sheets on large rolls.(18)The recycled paper can then be made into paper towels, toilet paper, newspaper, and home insulation.(19)Metals are heated to as much as2,800 degrees Fahrenheit until they melt.(20)The resulting liquid is poured into molds to form metal bars that can then be used to make cans, bicycles, paperclips, or even airplane parts.(21)Can you imagine airplane parts made from recycled metal?(22)Plastics are either shredded or melted and then remolded into lawn furniture, soda bottles, and baseball caps. Miles is concerned that there is a sentence in the third paragraph (sentences 16–22) that does not add anything to this paper. Which sentence should Miles delete from this paragraph? F Sentence 19 G Sentence 20 H Sentence 21 J Sentence 22

12 Essential Question  How do persuasive messages, both explicit and implicit, shape our ideas, values, beliefs, and/or behaviors?  Look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary

13 Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Warm-up Everyday Editing  Poe’s The Raven  One of the most popular American poems, "The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe was published on January 29, 1845. Once upon a midnight dreary," the poem begins. That poem braught fame to it's author, but it did not bring riches. Did you now that Poe was payed just $15 for his masterpiece! Each year in Baltimore, Maryland, a mysterious visitor leaves roses at Poes' grave on the eve of his Birthday.

14 Wrap-up  (2)You use it when you’re taking a math test, when you’re playing baseball, and even when you’re sleeping.(3)Scientists are still trying to fully understand this major organ, but we do know that different parts of the brain control different bodily functions.(4)The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, making up 85 percent of its weight.(5)The cerebrum is responsible for most of your conscious activities, such as thinking and controlling the muscles that you move intentional. 1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3? A Change Scientists to Scientists’ B Delete the Comma C Change we to they D No change should be made in this sentence. 2. How should sentence 5 be changed? F Delete the comma G Change controlling to controlling H Change intentional to intentionally J Sentence 5 should not be changed.

15 Thursday, January 28, 2016 Warm-up Everyday Editing  Paul Revere’s Ride  Paul revere was born on January 1 1735. He grew up to become a silversmith, but he were best known for his famous ride. On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere is sent to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming He stop at every house to warn they. Two other men, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, also rode hoarses, but Paul Revere became famous. All 3 men were arrested by the British but Hancock and Adams were safe.

16 Essential Question  How do persuasive messages, both explicit and implicit, shape our ideas, values, beliefs, and/or behaviors?  Look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary

17 Wrap-up  (7)It’s main functions are to control your balance and to enable your muscles to work together.(8)The brain stem is at the base of your brain.(9)It connects your brain to your spinal cord.(10)Which connects to most of the nerves in your body.(11)The brain stem is in charge of your involuntary bodily functions, the things you do without thinking. 1.What change, if any, needs to be made in sentence 7? A Change It’s to Its B change are to is C Change balance to balance D No change needs to be made in this sentence. 2. What is the correct way to write sentences 9 and 10? F It connects your brain to your spinal cord, this connects to most of the nerves in your body. G Connecting your brain to your spinal cord and then to most of the nerves in your body. H Connecting your brain to your spinal cord. It connects to most of the nerves in your body. J It connects your brain to your spinal cord, which connects to most of the nerves in your body.

18 Friday, January 29, 2016 Warm-up

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