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Presentation on theme: "GRAMMAR jEOPARDY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adverbs/ Adjectives Prepositions 10 20 30 40 50

3 Nouns (10) What is a noun?

4 A person, place, thing, or idea

5 A word that shows a specific person, place, thing or idea
Nouns (20) A word that shows a specific person, place, thing or idea

6 Proper noun

7 Noun (30) Find the noun: The little kitten tried to climb up, but couldn’t quite do it.

8 kitten

9 Noun (40) Identify the pronoun and nouns: The little old lady couldn't find her dog today.

10 Her Lady Dog

11 Find the direct object: The Stapletons cleaned the windows for me.
Nouns (50) Find the direct object: The Stapletons cleaned the windows for me.

12 Windows

13 Verbs (10) What is a verb?

14 A word that show actions or state of being

15 My English teacher taught us the parts of speech today.
Verbs (20) Find the verb: My English teacher taught us the parts of speech today.

16 Taught

17 I am going to tell on you and your brother when your mom gets home!
Verbs (30) Find the verb phrase: I am going to tell on you and your brother when your mom gets home!

18 Am going

19 Verbs (40) Identify two different verbs and the verb phrase: I am driving to the store right now, and I will shop and buy groceries when I get there.

20 Am driving Shop Buy

21 Eating is one of my most favorite hobbies!
Verbs (50) Find the gerund: Eating is one of my most favorite hobbies!

22 Eating

23 Pronouns (10) What is a pronoun?

24 A word that replaces a noun

25 Pronouns (20) Find the pronoun: The police officer arrested the student after he tried to run away.

26 He

27 A word that shows ownership - for example, his or hers.
Pronouns (30) A word that shows ownership - for example, his or hers.

28 Personal possessive pronoun

29 Pronouns (40) Find the indefinite pronoun: No one at Rosemount Middle School is going to be a super hero!

30 No one

31 Pronouns (50) Find the reflexive pronoun:
He accidently punched himself in the eye!

32 Himself

33 Adverbs/Adjectives (10)
What is an adverb?

34 A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb

35 Adverbs/Adjectives (20)
Find the adverb: The big, fat, lazy cow quietly slept beside the haystack.

36 Quietly

37 Adverbs/Adjectives (30)
Find the adjective: Slowly, quietly, Harry crept downstairs to get the early mail.

38 Early

39 Adverbs/Adjectives (40)
Find the adjective: Forgetting his lunch on the counter, a sad Frankie Joe slowly walked home.

40 Sad

41 Adverbs/Adjectives (50)
Identify all the adverbs and adjectives in this sentence: The small brown fox silently trotted across the grassy field.

42 Small Brown Grassy Silently

43 Prepositions (10) What is a preposition?

44 A word that connects a noun to the rest of the sentence

45 Prepositions (20) Find all the prepositions:
Across the ocean, the fisherman arrived at the White Cliffs of Dover.

46 Across At of

47 Prepositions (30) Identify the prepositional phrase: The area outside the boundary is dangerous to cross.

48 Outside the boundary

49 Prepositions (40) Identify all the prepositional phrases: To the victors go the spoils of war.

50 to the victors of war

51 Identify all the prepositional phrases:
Prepositions (50) Identify all the prepositional phrases: The weather man forecasts it should be sunny in Seattle for the first time in ages!

52 In Seattle For the first time In ages

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