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Latin Roots Lesson 6 English 9 February 10/11, 2016.

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1 Latin Roots Lesson 6 English 9 February 10/11, 2016

2 Familiarity with Greek and Latin roots can help students understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. Lesson #5 Roots Lesson #5 Roots Brainstorm additional words using these roots Brainstorm additional words using these roots hetero hetero nom / nem nom / nem phan / phen phan / phen poly poly proto proto

3 Lesson 4 Roots Brainstorm what these roots might mean: Brainstorm what these roots might mean: anim anim fin fin flu / fluc / flux flu / fluc / flux man / manu man / manu pon / pos pon / pos

4 (1) animosity ROOTS: PART OF SPEECH: DEFINITION: SYNONYM: ANTONYM: SENTENCE: The animosity between the husband and wife eventually led to the break up of their marriage.

5 (2) magnanimous ROOTS: PART OF SPEECH: adjective DEFINITION: SYNONYM:ANTONYM: selfish RELATED FORMS: SENTENCE: Alex was magnanimous after his win, thanking his coach and congratulating his rivals.

6 ( 3) affinity ROOTS: PART OF SPEECH: noun DEFINITION: a natural liking or sympathy for someone or something SYNONYM: affectionANTONYM: dislike SENTENCE: Sabrina’s parents recognized from an early age that Sabrina had an affinity for sports, especially soccer.

7 (4) definitive ROOTS: de = “from” + finere = “to finish” PART OF SPEECH: DEFINITION: done or given decisively and with authority SYNONYM: SENTENCE: The expert provided the definitive answer to our question about climate change so that we had no further questions.

8 (5) affluence ROOTS: ad = “to” + fluere = “to flow” PART OF SPEECH: noun DEFINITION: SYNONYM: ANTONYM: RELATED FORMS: SENTENCE:


10 (7) emancipate ROOTS: ex = “from” + manu = “hand” + capere = “to take” PART OF SPEECH: DEFINITION: RELATED FORMS: SYNONYM: ANTONYM: SENTENCE:

11 (8) manipulate ROOTS: manus = “hand” PART OF SPEECH: DEFINITION: to handle, to control, usually in a skillful or clever manner RELATED FORMS: SENTENCE:

12 (9) component ROOTS: PART OF SPEECH: Noun DEFINITION: a part or element of a larger whole SYNONYMS:SENTENCE:

13 (10) disposition ROOTS: dis = “apart” + ponere = “to put” PART OF SPEECH: DEFINITION: a person’s inherent qualities of mind or manner SYNONYM: personality SENTENCE: Belinda had a sweet disposition and rarely fought with her friends or parents.


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