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Power: The Lower Canada Rebellions. Causes of the Rebellions  1. Life is not good:  A) Agricultural crisis (Huge crop failure in 1833)  B) Frustration.

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Presentation on theme: "Power: The Lower Canada Rebellions. Causes of the Rebellions  1. Life is not good:  A) Agricultural crisis (Huge crop failure in 1833)  B) Frustration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power: The Lower Canada Rebellions

2 Causes of the Rebellions  1. Life is not good:  A) Agricultural crisis (Huge crop failure in 1833)  B) Frustration of Canadien middle class because they were excluded from the Executive and Legislative Councils  C) Restricted access to land: Seigneuries are overcrowded = lower quality of living

3 Causes of the Rebellions  2. New Laws:  A) Law to make French one of the official languages (rejected)  B) Tax on wine and tea  C) Tax landowners (to finance construction)(accepted)  D) A bill to grant a salary for the Legislative Assembly (rejected)

4 Causes of the Rebellions  3. Liberalism  A) What is it? The idea that people should be able to express themselves freely.  B) Characteristics: individual freedom, freedom of expression, participation in politics  C) THE PATRIOTES AND LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU are examples of LIBERALISM

5 Causes of the Rebellions  4. Louis Joseph Papineau  A) Member of Legislative Assembly  B) Defender of French Canadian interests  C) Leader of the Partie Canadien (later the Parti Patriote)  D) Demanded a more democratic political system  E) Objected to favoritism/corruption of the governor

6 Causes of the Rebellions  5. The 92 Resolutions (1834)  A) Was a list of demands sent by the Parti Patriote to the British government  B) What they wanted:  - responsible government  -The members of the Legislative council to be elected

7 Causes of the Rebellions  6. The Russell Resolutions or The 10 Resolutions (1837)  A) This was Britain’s response (written by Lord Russell) to the 92 Resolutions  B) They basically reject the Patriotes demands  C) What is frustrating about this?

8 The Rebellions  1. At first Papineau does not want to resort to violence.  He and members of the Patriotes hold public demonstrations and protests. They speak out in public (Liberalism).

9 The Rebellions  2. Eventually they realize that this is not working, and resort to a violent rebellion.






15 The Rebellions  4. The Patriotes win the first battle. But lose the other 2.  5. The British “win” the Lower Canada rebellions.  6. Papineau flees to the United States, and stays there until 1845.

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