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Mirrors: Conservation of Mass The mass(weight) of the reactants = the mass of the products Sometimes the mass of products is less due to.

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4 Mirrors:






10 Conservation of Mass The mass(weight) of the reactants = the mass of the products Sometimes the mass of products is less due to gas being released

11 Element- gold, magnesium Compound- salt, baking soda Homogeneous mix- air, pop, coffee Heterogeneous mix- choc chip cookie, gravel

12 Safety Items Abab aaaaaaaaa

13 Acids vs Bases HCl (aq) –acid NaOH (aq) - bases

14 Acids and Bases Acids turn red in all litmus Bases turn blue in all litmus Bases turn phenolthalein pink Bases turn red cabbage green Acids turn red cabbage pink pH 1-6.9=ACID, 7.1-14=BASE

15 Lab Report Title Question Hypothesis Materials Procedure Results Analysis and Communication

16 The Microscope

17 Digestive System

18 Respiratory System

19 The Periodic Table

20 PhysicalChemical --solubility-dissolving in water --melting, boiling, condensing- physical state change A new colour appears- Heat or light is given off- Bubbles of gas are formed- a precipitate is formed in a liquid-

21 PhysicalChemical -crumbling a piece of paper -breaking glass -deflating a basketball -cloud forming in the sky -melting of ice -a toothpick is broken a match burns- iron rusts- adding food coloring to icing- frying an egg- rotting of fruit- chewing/digesting food- roasting marshmallows-

22 PhysicalChemical A substance that does not involve forming a new substance What a substance dos as it changes into one or more new substances

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