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Model Manufacturer’s Installation Manual Manufactured Housing Research Alliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Model Manufacturer’s Installation Manual Manufactured Housing Research Alliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Model Manufacturer’s Installation Manual Manufactured Housing Research Alliance

2 What is the Model Manual? ► Created jointly by leading manufacturers operating under the MHRA umbrella ► A template that any manufacturer can modify to fit their design and construction practices ► Includes the latest revision of HUD’s installation standards (3285)

3 Why Should a Manufacturer Adopt the Manual? ► Simplify the process for manufacturers to modify their manuals to conform to the new standards ► Consistent format for installers using multiple manuals ► Consistent platform for installer training

4 How is the Model Used? ► Available on the Web as an editable MS Word document ► Figures available on the Web in AutoCAD format for editing ► Manufactures tailor content to conform to their own designs and practices

5 The Manual Structure ► Step by step guidance following the sequence of home installation ► Instructions vary depending on type of home and foundation

6 Chapter Structure ► Each chapter takes the installer through one aspect of the installation ► Installer is directed only to the information needed for the home being installed

7 Features of the Manual ► Best practice tips ► Cautions ► Clear explanations and graphics

8 For More Information Jordan Dentz Manufactured Housing Research Alliance 2109 Broadway, Suite 200 New York, NY 10023 Phone: (212) 496-0900 ext. 13 Fax: (212) 496-5389 Email: On the Web: MHRA

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