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Teacher Leader Endorsement Programme Modeling Exemplary Mathematics Teaching Session 8 – Mathematical Standards and Practices Facilitator: Rebeka Matthews.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Leader Endorsement Programme Modeling Exemplary Mathematics Teaching Session 8 – Mathematical Standards and Practices Facilitator: Rebeka Matthews."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Leader Endorsement Programme Modeling Exemplary Mathematics Teaching Session 8 – Mathematical Standards and Practices Facilitator: Rebeka Matthews Sousa Mathematics Specialist Teacher, Ministry of Education 1

2 Module 3 – Modeling Exemplary Teaching  Last session tonight  Ensure all assignments are up-to-date by Friday, January 29 in order to receive certification  Certificates and Celebrations on Wed. February 3 from 4-5 in the library Module 4 – Designing Professional Development  Confirm participation via email  Commences on Wed. Feb. 3 4-6pm  Instructional Rounds schedule will be discussed 2 Course Updates

3  Sharing a video clip  Observing three lessons (Using standard of TTPS)  Reading: Asking Effective Questions  Lesson visit  Reflection of lesson (post discussion)  Submit “great” task (based on feedback from peers)  Model lesson plan  Model lesson presentation  Course reflection (written) If you are unsure of what you have completed, please click here: 3 Module 3 – Modeling Exemplary Teaching Checklist of Assignments

4 During this session, Teachers will:  Look at data from Teaching Through Problem Solving  Share examples of exemplary teaching  Provide feedback to colleagues on lessons  Reflect on course and teaching practices Key Understandings 4

5  Classes observed between Oct. 1 and Nov. 1, 2015.  60 primary mathematics classes were observed  10 different primary schools 5 Teaching through Problem Solving What did we see?

6  Classes observed between Nov. 1, 2015 and Jan. 20, 2016.  17 primary mathematics classes were observed  11 different primary schools 6 Teaching through Problem Solving What did we see?

7 7

8 8 Danielson Framework - Instruction

9 9 Examples of Modeling Exemplary Teaching Objectiv es P2: Know the value of coins and make certain amounts using various coins P5: Read schedules and calculate elapsed time EngageTeacher engages students with literature about going shopping and students quickly review the value of each coin. Teacher then launches the task. Very clear directions are made and questions about the problem are addressed before moving to small groups Gave students a problem “A student left home at 7:45 and took 35 mins to get school. What time did they get to school? Please use any tools. Students works independently. Doing Math Student are to purchase one item from the store (shown on flipchart) and are asked to show different ways to make 12, 25, or 40 cents. Teacher circulates to each group asking if students can show or explain what they have. Teacher encourages students to use some of the tools such as clock or number line. Teacher encourages students to think about how they got their answer. Reflect and Connect Students return to the carpet to share the different strategies they had for making the different values. “What is another way?” Asks the teacher. Teacher asks final question “Why is it when I use pennies, I have to use so many coins, but I need fewer N, D, Q to make the same amount?” Students conduct a gallery walk making comments for further explanation. Teacher addresses the misconceptions with students such as: 7:80 as a solution and different strategies such as counting in 5 minute intervals on the clock

10 Chantal Kelly Chrystal Andrea Alicia Angela Dena Robyn Chernika Kristi Dionne Makeba Micquita Debbie Kineta 10 Group Share and Lesson Presentation

11 11 Effective Teaching and Learning

12 12

13  Discussed attributes of exemplary teaching in mathematics and examined effective teaching practices such as: creating problem- based and differentiated tasks, facilitating meaningful discourse, posing purposeful questions, formative assessment techniques  Created and used a standard for what teaching through problem is.  Observed teaching to gain insight on the mathematics programme in our school buildings  Shared aspects of quality teaching from our own lessons  Reflected on our own teaching practices and set individual goals 13 During this course, we have

14  What does it really mean to teach through problem solving? Summarize it in a few words for someone who is new to the concept  How are you modeling exemplary teaching everyday? Explain by giving an example of what it looks like in your classroom.  What goals have you set for yourself? Identify a least one teaching practice that you are presently working on to improve over the remainder of the year.  Are you prepared to support and lead mathematics instruction? Explain your vision for instructional mathematics support in your school building. How will you lead mathematics?  Level of confidence of teaching through problem solving before/after  Level of confidence in selecting or creating high level tasks before/after  Has the course offered you agree-disagree what would needed to improve your own teaching?  What was most impactful for you?  What you like more of in upcoming modules?  Any other comments or feedback on the course thus far. 14 Reflection Questions

15 Next session date: Feb. 3 4-6 pm Homework:  All assignments must be up-to-date by Friday, January 29 to receive certificate Dates  Module 4 & 5 - Feb 3, 24, Mar 2, 16, Apr *13, 20, May 4, 18, Jun 1, 15 15 What’s next?

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