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Discover your Superstar Formula™ Module 1 Connecting with your Passions.

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Presentation on theme: "Discover your Superstar Formula™ Module 1 Connecting with your Passions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover your Superstar Formula™ Module 1 Connecting with your Passions

2 What is a Dream Business anyway?

3 “Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their music in them”

4 Objectives of this program: You’ll walk away with your personalized Superstar Formula Map which will allow you to: Define the parameters of your Dream Business Formulate the best possible service and product offerings that will add the most value to your target clients Formulate your Unique Value Proposition and your “secret sauce” that will set you apart from your competition Ultimately determine your unique space in the market that no-one else can fulfill! 4


6 Here’s what we’ll cover: Module 1: Connecting With Your Passions Module 2: Identifying Your Strengths (and Super Powers!) Module 3: Claiming Your Impact and Value Module 4: Finding Your “Secret Sauce” 6


8 Getting Prepared Create a great environment Print out all worksheets and keep everything centralized in Binder Ideally, do work the same time every day Schedule your time now! Join the Dream Business Creator Facebook Group Any questions, contact me at 8

9 FLOW 9


11 11 Superstar Formula


13 “The reason for desires, goals...for finding those decisions or points of focus, is because they are the life-giving things of the Universe. Without objects of attention, or objects of desire, Life Force does not come through any of us.” Abraham-Hicks, The Science of Deliberate Creation

14 Why is it important to connect with your Passions? Passion is the “fuel” that will drive your business It energizes and excites you Drives your commitment Passion is what gets you through the tough times Energizes the Law of Attraction Ensures sustainability 14

15 Guidelines Don’t consult with anyone. These are things that light your fire Be completely honest Write short clear sentences – don’t combine several passions into one Don’t worry about “how” the passions might be achieved Don’t edit! You will have time to edit later 15

16 What do you want to Be, Do and Have? 16 100 Things you want to be, do or have Choose one passion that relates to your business that appeals to you the most List 5 reasons why you want this List 5 reasons why you believe you can have this

17 Passion List # 1 What do you think about a lot – when you enjoy thinking about something so much it is bordering on obsessiveness? What activities do you enjoy the most where time stops when you’re doing them? What do you yearn for? What makes you smile? What topic, perspective or activities would you love to live and breathe for at least the next 5 years? Think back from childhood to today and list all the activities or events that put you into a state of “flow”. 17

18 Passion List # 2 What things do you research on the internet? What types of books do you love to read? What magazines and books do you read for pleasure? What television and radio shows do you enjoy listening to and watching? If you had to teach something, what would you teach? What subjects did you most enjoy working with in school? How do you choose to spend your free time? 18

19 Passion List # 3 19 What are your 3 most favourite movies? What is the common thread or themes in those movies that makes them your favourite? List the people you admire, and why? List at least 5 people.

20 “Inherent in every desire is the means for its fulfillment.” Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

21 Support Please share any insights on the Dream Business Creator Facebook Page I look forward to seeing you next week in Module 2 where we will identify all of your Strengths Enjoy your week! 21

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