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Strategies of Modern and Contemporary Art. Sound and Colour Alexandr Skriabin „Synaesthesia“ Atonal and dissonant music system Theosophy „Mysterium“,

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies of Modern and Contemporary Art. Sound and Colour Alexandr Skriabin „Synaesthesia“ Atonal and dissonant music system Theosophy „Mysterium“,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies of Modern and Contemporary Art

2 Sound and Colour Alexandr Skriabin „Synaesthesia“ Atonal and dissonant music system Theosophy „Mysterium“, 1915 Circle of Fifths

3 Sound and Colour Mondrian/ Kandinsky – Art as a bridge to a clarity of vision – /tubechop.swf?vurl=C04 JZsoqs1A&start=2611&e nd=2711&cid=4886777 /tubechop.swf?vurl=C04 JZsoqs1A&start=2611&e nd=2711&cid=4886777 František Kupka, Fugue in Two Colours, 1912

4 Hungarian avantgarde: László Moholy-Nagy Constructivism - Bauhaus Project of a beauty machine „Light-Space Modulator“ – experience of perfect harmony – produces esthetical „truth“ – Formal beauty can make man happy 1930´s: Progress and Optimism

5 Zdeněk Pešánek kinetic art, neon lights, sound „Spectrophone“ Light= modernity 1930´s: Progress and Optimism

6 Duchamp Machine seen with an irony: The Large Glass, 1923 http://yout 4vL7hnQ?t =2m6s http://yout 4vL7hnQ?t =2m6s

7 1960: Self Destroying Machine Jean Tinguely, Homage to New York: http://swf.tu tubechop.sw f?vurl=3JEx6 CDW6- o&start=318 0&end=3362 &cid=488663 4 http://swf.tu tubechop.sw f?vurl=3JEx6 CDW6- o&start=318 0&end=3362 &cid=488663 4 Rotozaza, 1967: Smashing-bottles machine On occasion of the congress „Vision 67: Survival and Growth. Second World Congress on Communication in a Changing World“, University of New York

8 1960: Experimental Art John Cage, Waterwalk, 1960: – The overcoming of subjectivity by introducing the principle of disinteressedness Merce Cunningham, Walk Around Time, 1968 (Large Glass by Duchamp) RHYTMIC STRUCTURE – coexistence and independence of music and dance (India), chance operations (Yìjīng/ I Ching) Further watching:

9 1960´s: Experimental Art Marcel Duchamp: “when you have the independence between the music and the dance that we have, then the observer becomes the third point in a triangle; he completes the work and each triangle is a different triangle.”

10 Experimental Art "We want to go beyond painting, sculpture, poetry, music, we need an art that would be in greater harmony with the needs of the new spirit... The motionless pictures of yesterday no longer satisfy the longings of the new man, formed by the necessity of action and co-habitation with machinery, demanding a constant dynamic. The aesthetics of organic motion replace the aesthetic lassitude of rigid forms. In the name of this change, which has occurred in the character of man, and in the name of the spiritual and internal changes in all human relations and activities, we abandon the use of the familiar art forms and begin the development of the new art, consisting in the unity of time and space." Lucio Fontana, White Manifesto, 1946:

11 Experimental Art Vladimír Boudník: Explosionalism

12 Experimental Art: Milan Grygar jwBqs jwBqs NiCJBg NiCJBg

13 Milan Grygar: Visual Scores

14 Milan Grygar: Antiphone

15 Marc Rothko, Chapel, 1963- 1971 xbS0Z- n3vww&start=3234&end=3435&cid=4887334 xbS0Z- n3vww&start=3234&end=3435&cid=4887334

16 Experimental Art Hugo Demartini, 1968

17 1968 Dissent Radical social agenda: – students´ and workers´prostests – Anti-Vietnam war protests – Growth of feminism Avant-garde artists begun to challenge modernism (= male/ progress) – Jasper Johns or Richard Hamilton – Performance – Fluxus – Beuys – Situationist International

18 1970s: Conceptualism Paintings no longer need to be necessarily coloured of be flat Sculptures do not necessarily have to be upright or to have volume Duchamp  anything can under certain conditions qualify as „art“ Intention: to frustrate the market mechanism Confusion

19 Performance Deriving at some distance from dada - wanted anonymous and collective art /tubechop.swf?vurl=3JEx 6CDW6- o&start=571&end=728&c id=4919607 /tubechop.swf?vurl=3JEx 6CDW6- o&start=571&end=728&c id=4919607 From the alternative theatre From the happenings movement of the 1960s Resists to be treated as commodity

20 Performance: Joseph Beuys Art is not there to serve the intellect Art as a raising of creative powers and sharpening of senses Intuition To find the source of creativity in the self Everyone is an artist – a social designer of the future – antropological, human centered art concept Schiller – „artist“is the worthiest definition of a man The higest task of art is to connect the man with his higher self Social sculpture How to Explain Art to a Dead Hare, 1965 rl=AFc1BeS0vKI&start=2700&end=2845&ci d=4887694 rl=AFc1BeS0vKI&start=2700&end=2845&ci d=4887694

21 Marina Abramovic _qms?t=1h10m21s _qms?t=1h10m21s Magiciens de la Terre, 1989, Centre Pompidou, Paris – Nigthsea Crossing Conjuction The Artist is Present, 2009 – qms?t=27m31s qms?t=27m31s – qms?t=44m10s qms?t=44m10s Dematerialization, minimalism – Gino De Dominicis, Invisibility qms?t=1h7m4s qms?t=1h7m4s – John Cage, 4m33s, unselfish concert of silence

22 Soviet Conceptualism and Performance Collective Actions – Andrei Monastyrsky – Began to develop John Cage´s ideas concerning the role of chance and randomness – inspired by Samuel Beckett – Ritualistic actions of enigmatic nature – The Third Variant, 1978 – lying in a ditch until the audience wandered away – Underground Art, 1979 Komar and Melamid, „Quotation“, 1972

23 Soviet Alternative: Apt Art Appropriation Exhibitions in private appartments Outdoor events  denounced as anti-Soviet and pornographic Yurii Albert Yurii Albert, For Deaf Mutes (What Did the Artist Want to Say with It?), 1987, From the series Elitist-Democratic Art

24 Czech Collective Actions Eugen Brikcius – to blurr the border between art and life Zorka Ságlová, Hay- Straw, 1969 – Work as art – Ritual of tossing hay – Brought nature back to the people School of a Czech Grotesque (Kroutvor) Home exhibitions, instantaneous shows Ságlová, Hommage to Gustav Oberman, 1970 Order of Crusaders for Pure Humor Without Banter

25 Yards 81

26 Vladimír Muzička, Exhibition on a Heap

27 Karel Nepraš Great Dialogue Founding member of the Order of Crusaders for Pure Humor Without Banter

28 Performance Zdeněk Beran, Games with Cabbageheads, Forum 88, Holešovice Market ideal x reality

29 Performance and Body Art Jiří Sozanský, Mater Mortis, from the cycle „1984, Orwell´s Year“ ?t=30s ?t=30s

30 Martin Velíšek Member of punk group Už jsme doma since 1985 U Vystřelenýho Voka – murals filled with desperates Figures in Betlehem dressed in home-sportswear Animal Farm – book cover

31 Velíšek, You, Who Ski White Theatre

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