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Going On To Maturity Unit Six: The Sacraments Going On To Maturity Lesson Twenty-three: Holy Baptism, part 2.

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2 Going On To Maturity Unit Six: The Sacraments

3 Going On To Maturity Lesson Twenty-three: Holy Baptism, part 2

4 Sacrament of Initiation What is the power in Baptism? What does Baptism mean for our daily life?

5 What is the power in baptism? A sacred act which: 1. Instituted by Christ 2. Combines the word with a visible element 3. Gives and seals the forgiveness of sins ONLY TWO THINGS MEET ALL THREE QUALIFICATIONS!

6 What is the power in baptism? Baptism Question 275 (p. 233) John 3:5 The Holy Spirit works in baptism Titus 3:5

7 What is the power in baptism? Baptism Question 276 (p. 235) Ephesians 5:25-26 The Holy Spirit works through the WORD in Baptism 1 Peter 1:23

8 What is the power in baptism? Question 277a (p. 235) Acts 2:38-39

9 What is the power in baptism? Question 277b (p. 235) Mark 16:16 Colossians 2:12

10 What is the power in baptism? Question 278 (p. 235-6) 1 Peter 3:21 Titus 3:5-7

11 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 279 (p. 237) Romans 6:3,6

12 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 280 (p. 238) Galatians 5:17 Galatians 5:19-21

13 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 281 (p. 238) Colossians 2:11-12

14 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 282 (p. 238-40) Psalm 38:18 Psalm 51:4,17 Contrition: Being sorry for the sins we have committed

15 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 282 (p. 238-40) 2 Corinthians 7:10 Acts 20:21 Repentance: Trusting that we are forgiven for the sins we have committed

16 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 283 (p. 240) Ephesians 4:22-24 Galatians 5:22-23 Fruits of Repentance: The change in the way we live because we are forgiven

17 What does Baptism mean for our daily life? Question 284 (p. 240-1) Galatians 3:27 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Colossians 2:6-7 NOT “I was baptized” but “I am baptized”

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