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Basic Skills Initiative: Your senate’s role

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1 Basic Skills Initiative: Your senate’s role

2 Presenters Barbara Illowsky, De Anza College, BSI Project Director Ken Collins, Fullerton College Tom Rosdahl, LA Pierce College

3 Outcomes At the end of this session, we will:   Know each other   Understand at least two college processes for developing Action Plans   Understand the role of senate in BSI   Know techniques to ensure faculty participation in BSI

4 Agenda   Introduction (15 minutes)   Fullerton Experience (10 minutes)   LA Pierce Experience (10 minutes)   Role of senate in BSI (15 minutes)   Ensuring faculty participation (20 minutes)   Wrap up (5 minutes)

5 Introduction   Why are you attending this session?   Did your faculty decide where the BSI funds would be allocated?   Who has budget oversight of BSI funds?   Lots of concerns about shared governance process

6 Fullerton College   Sept. 2007: FC Faculty and Administrators attend BSI training   Oct. - Nov. 2007: Faculty Senate attempts to get College President to agree to form a committee   Dec. 12, 2007: President and Senate finally reach mutual agreement on committee composition.

7 Fullerton College Jan. 2008: BSI Committee has it’s first working meeting Apr. 3, 2008: BSI Committee Faculty Chair gives first report to Faculty Senate Informs Senate that BSI Committee did not perform self-assessment due to time constraints Apr. 9, 2008: Juan Cruz of System Office advises me not to sign the Action Plan

8 Fullerton College Apr. 10, 2008: After discussion with College President, Juan Cruz advises me to sign the Action and Expenditure Plan after the Committee does a retroactive self- assessment May 1, 2008: FC Action and Expenditure plan is submitted to System Office.

9 LA Pierce College   The Student Success Committee (BSI) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate and reports to the senate.   The Basic Skills Action Plan was developed by the Student Success Committee and approved by the Academic Senate.   All requests for Basic Skills funds are presented to and approved by the Student Success Committee.

10 Role of Academic Senate   Section 53200 Definitions (Title 5 & Ed Code) Academic Senate means an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters.

11 Ensuring Faculty Participaton   Small group discussions – what should your college do?   Report out

12 Ba’bye!

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