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A Robust High-Performance RFID-Based Location System Kirti Chawla Department of Computer Science University of Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "A Robust High-Performance RFID-Based Location System Kirti Chawla Department of Computer Science University of Virginia."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Robust High-Performance RFID-Based Location System Kirti Chawla Department of Computer Science University of Virginia

2 1/30  Goal: Locate objects in an environment  Attributes: -Reliable -Accurate and Fast Location, Location, LocationIntroduction Locate Objects Environments

3 2/30 RFID Tag Near-field Communication Far-field Communication  Tags and Readers: - Form Factors - Operating Frequency - Power Source RFID PrimerBackground RFID Reader

4 IntellectualContributions  Resilient to environmental conditions / noise  Accommodates numerous scenarios  Tag orientation and vendor hardware –agnostic Adaptability  Signal strength as a reliable metric  Tag sensitivity influences performance  Tag selection & sorting ensures uniformity  Heuristics enhance accuracy Reliability  Tag selection optimizes range & cost  Improved performance by matching tags to readers  Reference tags are unnecessary Scalability 3/30

5 4/30 Technologies Mismatched Solutions Limiting Constraints Techniques Current State of the ArtBackground

6 5/30 Pros/ConsMotivation Dark Environment No Line of Sight Cost Effective Solid Obstacles Adaptive Susceptible Invasive Entry Barrier Targeted Unintended Use Pros Cons

7 RetailMotivation Save Time Minimize Misuse Stimulate Spending Improve Turnaround 6/30 Warehouse-Store Frontend Backend

8 Backend: Save TimeMotivation Warehouse-Store 30 Min./Day Avg. Search Time 100, 000 Ft 2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. 100 People $ 12/Hour 275 Days/Year Workforce Cost Potential New Savings = $ 600 Million / Year 7/30

9 Frontend: Stimulate SpendingMotivation Warehouse-Store $ 72 /Day/Person $ +1 /Day/Person $ 323B /Year Improve Spending 100, 000 Ft 2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. $ 319B /Year $ 79M /Store/Year $ 218K /Store/Day Revenue Generation Potential New Revenue = $ 4.3 Billion / Year 8/30

10 Other Use-CasesMotivation HospitalsAirports  Locate: - Guests / Travelers - Freight - Baggage  Locate: - Medical Supplies - Surgical Instruments - Caregivers - Patients 9/30

11 Localization FrameworkResearch Tag Selection Tag Binning Empirical Power-Distance Relationship Performance-Enhancing Heuristics Collection of Tags Improved Location Estimates Candidate Tags Uniformly Sensitive Tags Tags’ Location Estimates 10/30

12 Tag SelectionResearch  Problem: Tags have variable performance  Solution: Select tags based on their performance Read Range RSS Read Count Tag Selection Results 11/30 Tag CollectionCandidate Tags

13 12/30 Tag BinningResearch  Problem: Tags have variable sensitivities  Solution: Bin tags based on their sensitivity RSS Read Count Tag Binning Results Same Type Tags Collection Uniformly Sensitive Tags

14 Power-Distance RelationshipResearch  Problem: RF signal variability renders Friis Eq. useless  Solution: Utilize empirical power-distance relationship RFID Tag Transmitted Power: P T Received Power: P R RFID Reader Tag-Reader Distance: D Friis Transmission Equation Comparison 13/30

15 14/30 Power-Distance RelationshipResearch  Problem: Locate objects using empirical power-distance relationship  Solution: Utilize TX and RX empirical power-distance relationship Read Count Empirical Power-Distance Relationship TX-Side Algorithms RX-Side Models Tags’ Location Estimates Uniformly Sensitive Tags

16 15/30 TX-Side AlgorithmsResearch  Insight: Similarly behaving tags are neighbors Radio Wave Shared Region Locate Tags: Power-Modulating Algorithms Antenna

17 16/30 TX-Side AlgorithmsResearch Locate Tags: Power-Modulating Algorithms  Problem: Locate tags using TX RF signal power  Solution: Algorithmically modulate TX RF signal power Algorithms Results

18 17/30 RX-Side ModelsResearch  Insight: Match tags to readers for higher performance RFID Tag - A RFID Reader - A RFID Reader - B RFID Tag - B

19 Axial Orientation 18/30 RX-Side ModelsResearch Locate Tags: RSS Decay Models  Problem: Locate tags using RX RF signal power  Solution: Adapt theoretical physics model to reality Radial Orientation RSS Decay Model Results Friis Physics Model

20 19/30 HeuristicsResearch  Problem: Assumption that target and reference tag location coincide leads to localization error  Solution: Consider neighbor reference tags that minimize localization error Localization Error Reference Tag Target Tag Heuristics

21 20/30 Experimental SetupEvaluation Reference Tag Antenna Mobile Robot with onboard reader and multi-tag RFID Reader Backend Host Tablet Internet

22 21/30 Tag SelectionEvaluation Back  Insight: Select tags on multi-objective criteria

23 22/30 Tag BinningEvaluation Back  Insight: Sort tags on their RF performance

24 23/30 Power-Distance RelationshipEvaluation  Insight: Empirical power-distance relationship enables higher performance Ideal Friis (N = 2) Ideal Friis (N = 3) Ideal Friis (N = 6) Empirical Back

25 24/30 RSS Decay ModelsEvaluation Back  Insight: Orientation-based decay models lead to orientation-agnostic localization Radial

26 25/30 TX-Side Localization AccuracyEvaluation Back  Insight: Performance can be improved by denser reference tag deployment Time

27 26/30 Density Vs PerformanceEvaluation  Insight: Localization performance varies with reference tag density

28 27/30 RX-Side Localization AccuracyEvaluation Back  Insight: Performance can be improved by minimizing RF dead-zones

29 Approach Localization Time Test Region (m 2 /m 3 ) Localization Accuracy (m) Reference Tags Ni et al., 2003Not Reported2D, 202Active Bekkali et al., 2007Not Reported2D, 90.5 – 1.0Passive Zhao et al., 2007Not Reported2D, 200.14 – 0.29Passive Choi and Lee, 2009Not Reported2D, 140.21Passive Choi et al., 2009Not Reported2D, 30.2 – 0.3Passive Zhang et al., 2010Not Reported2D, 360.45Active Brchan et al., 2012A few seconds2D, 221Active TX-Side: Combined Algorithms 1.67 minutes2D, 80.18Passive RX-Side: Combined Models ~4 seconds 2D, 8 3D, 16 0.30- 0.60Optional, Passive Comparative EvaluationEvaluation

30 29/30 Summary and Future WorkConclusion RFID-Based Location System: - Pure RFID reliably locates objects - Match tags to readers - Tag selection & binning improves tag performance - TX/RX empirical power-distance relationship - Algorithms, models, and heuristics for object localization - Identify / mitigate key localization challenges Future Research Directions: - Scalability - Combination of approaches - Visualization tools - Field testing and commercialization

31 Co-directed 10 undergraduate theses and Capstone projects Won the 2011 SEAS Entrepreneurial Concept Competition Placed 2 nd at the 2012 Darden Business Competition Journal Publications: Kirti Chawla, Christopher McFarland, Gabriel Robins, and Wil Thomason, A Robust Real-Time RFID-Based Location System, 2013, In preparation Kirti Chawla and Gabriel Robins, An RFID-Based Object Localization Framework, International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, Inderscience Publishers, 2011, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, pp. 2-30 Conference Publications: Kirti Chawla, Christopher McFarland, Gabriel Robins, and Connor Shope, Real-Time RFID Localization using RSS, IEEE International Conference on Localization and Global Navigation Satellite System, 2013, Italy, pp. 1-6, Best Presentation Award Kirti Chawla, Gabriel Robins, and Liuyi Zhang, Efficient RFID-Based Mobile Object Localization, IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, 2010, Canada, pp. 683-690 Kirti Chawla, Gabriel Robins, and Liuyi Zhang, Object Localization using RFID, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2010, Italy, pp. 301-306 Patents: Kirti Chawla and Gabriel Robins, System and Method For Real-Time RFID Localization, 2013 Kirti Chawla and Gabriel Robins, Real-Time RFID Localization Using Received Signal Strength (RSS) System and Related Method, US Patent: 61/839,617, 2013 Kirti Chawla & Gabriel Robins, Object Localization with RFID Infrastructure, WIPO Patent: 2012047559 A3, 2012; US Patent: 20130181869 A1, 2013 DeliverablesContributions 30/30

32 Backup Slides

33 Backend: Minimize MisuseMotivation Warehouse-Store 100, 000 Ft 2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. Potential New Savings = $ 200 Million / Year 1 Million Items 5 % Misuse Rate $ 1 / Item Reported Misuse Back

34 Frontend: Improve Turnaround Motivation Warehouse-Store $ 72 /Day/Person 3K /Store/Day +5 /Store/Day Maximize Utility 100, 000 Ft 2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. Potential New Revenue = $ 500 Million / Year $ 319B Rev/Year $ 79M /Store/Year $ 218K /Store/Day Revenue Generation Back

35 How Our Research Can Affect Your Bottom Line Motivation $ 600 Million / Year $ 200 Million / Year $ 500 Million / Year Stimulate Spending $ 4.3 Billion / Year Save Time Improve Turnaround Minimize Misuse

36 Localization ChallengesApproach Radio Interference OcclusionsTag SensitivityTag SpatialityTag Orientation Reader Locality

37 RFID Reader RFID Tag VerticalHorizontal Reliability through Multi-TagsApproach Platform Side View ParallelOrthogonal RFID Tag Platform Top View  Problem: Optimal tag reads occur at certain orientations  Solution: Multi-Tags provide orientation redundancy

38 Power-Modulating AlgorithmsApproach Linear SearchBinary SearchParallel Search O(#Tags  Log#Power-Levels) O(#Tags  #Power-Levels) O(#Power-Levels) Reader Output Power Range 0MAXMID Back

39 Heuristics FrameworkApproach Root Sum Square Minimum Power Selection Absolute Difference Localization Error Meta Heuristic Back  Problem: There can be multiple neighbor reference tags  Solution: Select neighbor reference tags using different selection criteria

40 RSS Decay ModelsEvaluation Back  Insight: Orientation-based decay models lead to orientation-agnostic localization

41 TX-Side Localization TimeEvaluation Back  Insight: Faster algorithms provide lower tag detectability

42 Technology Cost Breakup (Post R&D) Product Warehouse-Store Variable (Software) $ 50K (Backend) Software and Misc. Cost 100, 000 Ft 2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. $ 20K (300 Ant.) $ 20K (80 Readers) $ 10K (1M Tags) RFID Hardware Cost Total Cost 1 st Year = $ 100K + SLC * + AMC + / Store Total Cost N th Year = SLC + AMC / Store; N  ≥ 2 * Software License Cost, + Annual Maintenance Cost | All costs are current estimates Old Revenue = 79M / Store / Year New Revenue = 81M / Store / Year

43 TX-Side AlgorithmsResearch Locate Readers: Proximity-Sensing Algorithm  Problem: Locate readers using TX RF signal power  Solution: Sense proximity of neighbor tags

44 Object Localization with RFID Infrastructure USPTO and WIPOPatents 4/30

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