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Welcome to our 2012 Summer of Growth Workshops Digging Deeper into the Standards Sponsored by Trumbull County Educational Service Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our 2012 Summer of Growth Workshops Digging Deeper into the Standards Sponsored by Trumbull County Educational Service Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our 2012 Summer of Growth Workshops Digging Deeper into the Standards Sponsored by Trumbull County Educational Service Center

2 Common Focus Digging Deeper into the Standards is the focus of all the Summer of Growth workshops with an additional emphasis on: – College and Career Readiness –Informational Text: Text Complexity –Differentiation –Curriculum Revisions

3 What is College Ready?

4 What is Career Ready?

5 What constitutes a complex text? “Complex text is typified by a combination of longer sentences, a higher proportion of less-frequent words, and a greater number and variety of words with multiple meanings.” PARCC Model Content Frameworks The Challenge of Challenging Text Educational Leadership March 2012

6 ContentProcessProduct According to Students’ ReadinessInterest Learning Profile Teachers Can Differentiate Adapted from The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners (Tomlinson, 1999).

7 Curriculum Revisions Performance Tasks –Close Reading –Informational Text –Analytical writing –Mathematical Practices Technology Enhanced Questions Expanded Accommodations 7

8 Summer of Growth Workshops Several workshops are repeated from the previous year. You cannot receive Ashland credit twice for the same course. All programs are supported by Title II funds and are free for those in the consortium. Fees will be applied for participants from – Girard, Niles, TCTC, non-public, outside Trumbull County, & Warren. You are responsible for payment unless your district authorizes payment for you.

9 Housekeeping Notes Please sign in! Lunch is provided for 2-Day Workshops 2 Day workshops –Times 8:00 am to 3:30 pm 3 Day workshops –Times 8:00 am to 12:30 pm (no Lunch)

10 Upon completion of this workshop you will receive… A stipend of $50 Certificate of attendance – 13 hours Or 1 hour Graduate Credit

11 Ashland University Credit 1 Credit hour = 13 hours class time Cost $175 per semester hour. You cannot turn in both contact hours and graduate credit to your school. Complete Ashland registration Contact Ashland for your transcript. Assignment: 3 page reflection paper due 1 week after workshop Refer to handout: SOG Reflection Paper Details

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