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Special Issues in Human Nutrition IB Topic A.3 Pages 230-236.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Issues in Human Nutrition IB Topic A.3 Pages 230-236."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Issues in Human Nutrition IB Topic A.3 Pages 230-236

2 What we’ll be discussing Human milk or powdered milk for babies Recap: Type II diabetes Ethical issues and meat consumption Reducing cholesterol Food miles

3 Human milk or powdered milk for babies Each species of mammal produces its own milk to suit the needs of its young No milk (cow, goat) is identical to human milk There are fundamental differences in the kinds of nutrient and ingredients found in human breast milk and those found in powdered infant formula Usually made from cow’s milk

4 Differences … Human breast milk contains: Amylase and lipase (enzymes) White blood cells (macrophages) Antibodies hormones These are not found in infant formula

5 Lactose and fats Human milk has about 50% more lactose than cow’s milk Lactose  glucose to give energy Human milk has more cholesterol Essential for building cell membranes

6 Lactose intolerance Some babies are naturally lactose intolerant Negative reaction; extremely rare Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pang, rashes Treatment: soy based formula Newborns need a substantial amount of lipids to build phospholipids for new cells and help build nerve cells To complete the fatty acid content in formula, oil is added from plant sources (palm, coconut, corn, soy, safflower) In humans, the amount of milk fluctuates during lactation to suit the baby’s needs In formula, the amount of fat stays the same

7 Protein Human milk has naturally lower levels of protein than cow’s milk Why? Humans do not need to grow as fast as calves do in their first year The levels of the amino acid taurine is higher in human milk Linked to brain development We’re better at this than cows

8 Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey … Milk protein comes in two forms: Whey Easily digested liquid form Curd More difficult to digest sold white form Curd is made of the protein casein Human milk 65% whey; 35% casein Cow’s milk 18% whey; 82% casein Animal milk is heat treated Proteins are denatured Increases the risk of allergic reaction in infants

9 Iron There is more iron found in infant formula than in human milk Why? It’s easier to absorb the iron from human milk, so more iron has to be added to cow’s milk to compensate

10 Is breastfeeding right for my baby? Turn and talk: Why might a woman choose to breastfeed? Why might a woman choose to use infant formula? Is there a right or wrong answer? And WHO should decide?

11 So, is breastfeeding right for my baby? Hot topic Beyonce, Selma Hayek Nothing is more nutritious for a baby than breast milk Some women choose to or cannot breast feed Not capable of making enough milk HIV or tuberculosis bacteria Breast implants Depends on the type of surgery Convenience

12 Turn to page 232 Write down three arguments for and three arguments against breast feeding Benefits for mom? Reduced risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer Reduced risk of osteoporosis Uterus “return to normal” after delivery Natural child spacing Breast feeding delays return to menstrual cycle

13 Homework Due Tuesday: #16-19 page 237 Due Wednesday: #1-3 page 237 Spring break assignment (due 4/9): Read topic 6.2 (transport system) and answer assessment statements on page 170

14 Type II Diabetes Type I and type II diabetes Both result in the body being unable to break down sugar in the blood Body does not produce insulin (type I) or does not respond to insulin (type II) Consequences High blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia)

15 Type II diabetes The more common form of diabetes Symptoms: Being more thirsty Urinating more than usual Feeling tired all the time More infections than usual

16 The (probable) causes Obese/overweight; according to your book, after the age of forty But with rising rates of childhood obesity, younger people are being diagnosed Genetics? Native Australians; Native Americans Family history? Nature vs. nurture

17 Treatment & Consequences Treatment: Special diet Balanced diet; high in fiber; increase complex carbohydrates; cut down in sugar and fat Exercise Not treated with insulin injections Reversible Consequences: High blood pressure; eye damage; kidney malfunction; nerve disease; stroke; heart attack May be fatal

18 The birth of a vegetarian

19 Ethical issues and meat consumption The killing and eating of animals is necessary for survival of some species on Earth, but not necessarily for humans Meat is not an absolute necessity in the human diet There are many reasons people choose to not eat meat Religious, climatic, cultural, economic, ethical We’ll talk about the ethical

20 First, some background Vegetarians do not eat the flesh on any animal: no meat, no poultry, no fish Some vegetarians do eat animal products Milk, cheese, eggs, dairy products, honey Strict vegetarians called vegans do not eat animal products For some, this goes beyond diet and may refrain from wearing animal products (leather, wool, silk)

21 Ethical reasons for adopting a vegetarian lifestyle Killing sentient (anything with a nervous system) is wrong Raising animals for the sole purpose of slaughter is wrong Livestock production is wasteful; misuses water and land Mass production industrial farming = crude penning, cruel treatment, artificial light Fishing industry pollutes oceans and disrupts ecosystems

22 Arguments against vegetarianism Farm animals would not exist if not raised for food Meat and fish industries = thousands of jobs Meat and fish can be grown in descent conditions Free range, cage free, organic practices Certain nutrients are not available in a vegetarian diet, especially a strict vegan diet

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