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Metropolitan Council Regional Groundwater Flow Modeling Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Water Supply: March 11, 2008 Lanya Ross Senior Environmental Scientist.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolitan Council Regional Groundwater Flow Modeling Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Water Supply: March 11, 2008 Lanya Ross Senior Environmental Scientist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolitan Council Regional Groundwater Flow Modeling Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Water Supply: March 11, 2008 Lanya Ross Senior Environmental Scientist

2 Outline Model Purpose Model Inputs Model Calibration Example of Model Use Next Steps

3 Goal To ensure safe, secure, reliable, cost-effective and equitable water supplies for current and future generations.

4 Model Purpose What is a good estimate of the capacity of a wellfield? What will drawdown be from a proposed well? What will future regional groundwater levels be? How will future pumping affect ecological features? How might development patterns affect recharge? How do we sustainably manage our water supplies?

5 Metro Model 2.0 TAC 2006 – Preliminary Analysis 2007 – Model Development and Quarterly TAC Meetings 2008 – Beta Testing Calibrated Models and Scenario Running For more information: Supply/metrogroundwatermodel.htm

6 Model Layers: 1.Quaternary 2.St. Peter 3.Prairie du Chien 4.Jordan 5.St. Lawrence 6.Franconia 7.Ironton-Galesville 8.Eau Claire 9.Mt. Simon

7 Aquifer Property Zones: Quaternary

8 Boundaries: 1.No-Flow 2.Constant Head 3.River

9 Targets: 1.Head: 14,536 2.Flux: 35

10 Targets in Layer 9: Mt. Simon

11 Model Head Calibration

12 Layer 1 Residual Mean: -0.30 m

13 Example of Model Use What are the impacts of projected 2050 municipal demand? Assume traditional sources used in the future Assume communities with no municipal supply do not develop a municipal supply Assume that future wells pump at the average rate reported for metro area wells in that aquifer

14 Results – Projected Demand


16 Next Steps Regional scenarios —Climate Change —Land Use Local questions —Impacts of Alternative Supplies Continue to address uncertainty



19 Additional Figures


21 Aquifer Property Zones: Prairie du Chien

22 Layer 3 Residual Mean: -2.07 m

23 Head Calibration: Prairie du Chien

24 Head Calibration: Quaternary

25 Head Calibration: Mt. Simon

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