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Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Procedure as outlined in article 5 of the Bylaws, as adopted by the GA meeting in Brussels, 14/15 October this.

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Presentation on theme: "Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Procedure as outlined in article 5 of the Bylaws, as adopted by the GA meeting in Brussels, 14/15 October this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Procedure as outlined in article 5 of the Bylaws, as adopted by the GA meeting in Brussels, 14/15 October this year, doc GA(15)034r1 Votes still as in the ex-TERENA system, Bylaws article 4. Election committee: RESTENA staff member, GÉANT staff member, GA delegate. Please check your envelope(s). Do you have the correct number of votes? Do you have three different colours? 1 8.Board Elections

2 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 70 votes: France, Germany, Italy, UK, NORDUnet 60 votes: Spain 50 votes: Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey 40 votes: Greece, Israel, Portugal 30 votes: Czech Rep., Hungary, Ireland, Romania 20 votes: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia 10 votes: Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg 8 votes: Albania, Serbia 5 votes: Malta 4 votes: Macedonia, Montenegro 3 votes: Armenia, Moldova 2 How many votes do I have?

3 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People First round of voting. Use the Chair ballot paper. Please vote “For” or “Against”. The candidate is elected if more votes are cast “for” than “against”. (Note that blank ballots do not count). After the votes are collected, a quick scan will be done to see if it easy to announce a winner. IF Christian Grimm is elected as Chair, there will be five vacancies to fill. If he is not elected, there will be four vacancies. 3 8. BoD Elections (2)

4 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 201620172018 Christian Grimm Vacancy 1 Vacancy 2 Dorte Olesen Vacancy 3 Vacancy 4 Ivan Maric Sabine Jaume Vacancy 5 4 BoD vacancies if Christian is elected

5 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Mark up to 5 (or 4 if Christian is not elected) names on the list of candidates (if you return a blank ballot it will not be counted) (marking more than 5 – or 4- names leads to a spoilt ballot) The top 5 (or 4) candidates will be elected (if they also get more than 50% of the total number of votes cast The two candidates with the most votes be appointed for a three year term of office The next two candidates will be appointed for a two year term of office The candidate with the least votes (but still >50%) will be appointed for a one year term of office If fewer than 5 (or 4) candidates get 50% of the votes vacancies will remain until the next GA meeting If the votes are tied, we will need a tie breaking vote Normal situation (without intermediate vacancies) means elections for 3 positions every year. (Next year: terms of Sabine Jaume, Ivan Marić and one other person) 5 8. BoD Elections (3)

6 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Marko Bonač (ARNES) Bob Day (Jisc) Erik Huizer (SURFnet) Valter Nordh (NORDUnet / SUNET) Alberto Pérez Gómez (RED.ES/RedIRIS) Raimundas Tuminauskas (LITNET) 6 Candidates:

7 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Voting model adopted by Porto GA in June Based on GNI and contributions to GÉANT Number of votes per member varies between 100 and 10 Change in Bylaws needed for formalize this Model can then be applied for 2016 7 9.Voting (1)

8 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 4. General Assembly Voting Weighted voting is applied. The voting structure is made up of two elements: a GNI element and a contribution element. The votes are calculated once per year and presented to the last GA meeting in any year, to be used in the following year. The GNI element of any year n+1 is determined by: 1)adding the GNIs of the last available year of the countries of all member organisations together and 2)calculating every member country’s percentage of the combined GNI. The contribution element of any year n+1 is determined by: 1)adding the contributions to GÉANT of all member organisations in year n together and 2)calculating every member’s percentage of the combined contributions. 8 9.Voting (2)

9 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The number of votes in year n+1 is then determined by taking the average of the two percentages obtained as described above, within the following boundaries: -The member with the highest average percentage will receive 100 votes; -The member with the lowest average percentage will receive 10 votes; -the other members will receive a number of votes distributes in a linear way between these values. -Representative members will be classified according to the combined GNIs and contributions of the countries from the organisations represented. If any member leaves during a year or if a new member joins the number of votes of the other members will remain unchanged for the remainder of the year. 9 9.Voting (3)

10 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 10 9.Voting (4)

11 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The GA is asked to resolve the following: To amend the Bylaws as proposed above and thereby also to Adopt the table below as the table of votes for 2016. The GA is asked to endorse the recommendation from the Voting WG to start using electionbuddy ( for voting outside of meetings. 11 9.Voting (5)

12 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you and any questions Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 12

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