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Patrick’s Updates - 8/30/11 (one slide for each of the following) 1.XTCAV Project 2.ASTA Gun Test Facility Instrumentation & Controls 3.Fast wire scanner.

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick’s Updates - 8/30/11 (one slide for each of the following) 1.XTCAV Project 2.ASTA Gun Test Facility Instrumentation & Controls 3.Fast wire scanner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick’s Updates - 8/30/11 (one slide for each of the following) 1.XTCAV Project 2.ASTA Gun Test Facility Instrumentation & Controls 3.Fast wire scanner project 4.Sector 0-10 Injector Test Facility Project 5.An idea for a 2.5 GeV linac SX-Ray FEL

2 XTCAV Highlights Long lead time purchases for modulator and TWT Amplifier underway Design of LLRF controls is based on VME architecture with LCLS PADS, PAC and new MKSU- II handling standby and accelerate trigs. (IOC -TS) Orders placed for fabrication of second XTCAV structure. Tunnel penetrations measured during last PAMM and design of waveguide layout started. Revised B921 layout to move AC switch gear so modulator can be maneuvered into building.

3 ASTA Gun Test Stand Instrumentation and Controls Small quantities, but at least one of each system required: LLRF synchronization and timing Vacuum pumps, gauges and valve controllers Solenoid, dipole and corrector magnet controllers 2 BPMs, 2 Prof Monitors, 2 FARCs Laser motion controls, cameras, diodes ADCs Separate network, like we did for FACET, with servers, archivers, striptool, messaging. No MPS. No controls status for PPS, BCS.

4 Fast Wire Scanner Prototype Piezo stage with Mikos controller due next month. Radiation test. Delta Tau controller with linear stage due mid October. Nia Fong joins the department 10/3 – Magnetic head precision positioner system at IBM

5 Sector 0-10 Injector Test Facility Project 1.01.06 - Controls and diagnostics systems (Edit / New) - Mangement and integration of controls systems - Long haul cables, racks, crates, IOCs (Edit / New) - Global (Edit / New) - Injector (Edit / New) - L1-BC1 (Edit / New) - L2-BC2 (Edit / New) - L3-Exp Area-Dump (Edit / New) - Computing infrastructure controls (Edit / New) - Network controls (Edit / New) - Global software (Edit / New) - Beam position monitor controls (Edit / New) - Profile monitor controls (Edit / New) - Detectors (BLEN, Power, PMT, BLM) Instrument Controls (Edit / New) - Motion control (Edit / New) - Timing system (Edit / New) - Low level RF controls (Edit / New) - Magnet Power Supplies Controls (Edit / New) - Vacuum controls (Edit / New) - MPS controls (Edit / New) - PPS controls (Edit / New) - BCS controls (Edit / New) - Conventional Facilities controls (Edit / New) - Beam Charge Monitors (Edit / New) CD-0 for the Project requires a WBS and Cost Estimate trying to organize and transfer as much as possible from the LCLS-II project DOE dictates the formal use of WBS, E-Cost Books and Basis of Estimate Documentation This project removes more than 2 sectors of accelerator What shall we do with it!

6 An idea for a 2.5 GeV linac SX-Ray FEL Is there a dedicated Soft X-Ray FEL in SLAC’s future? LCLS-II is trying hard to do it all in one machine. Our forté is high-energy beams for high-power hard x-rays. Why not take the 200 m of accelerator from sectors 8-9 and build a separate accelerator to operate independently for soft x-rays. Soft x-rays only need short undulators. LCLS-II can be better optimized for hard x-rays

7 Tunnel elevation Tunnel crossection

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