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{ Human Reproduction From Egg to Baby and Beyond!.

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1 { Human Reproduction From Egg to Baby and Beyond!

2 { Male and Female Systems The Reproductive System

3  It all begins with SEX HORMONES – these messengers travel from the brain to the TESTICLES (in boys) and OVARIES (in girls) and tell them when to begin producing GAMETES (sperm and eggs) – these messengers travel from the brain to the TESTICLES (in boys) and OVARIES (in girls) and tell them when to begin producing GAMETES (sperm and eggs) PUBERTY = begins when hormones cause changes to the adolescent body Let’s Start at Puberty…

4  Released by the PITUITARY GLAND  Main male sex hormone = TESTOSTERONE  Main female sex hormones = PROGESTERONE and ESTROGEN 1. They trigger the production of gametes (sperm and ova) 2. Also trigger other physical changes 1. Pubic hair 2. Body hair 3. Breasts develop 4. Deeper voice Sex Hormones

5 { The parts and roles Male and Female Reproductive Organs

6 Male Reproductive System

7 Reproductive OrganPurpose ScrotumPouch that contains the testicles TesticlesContain the seminiferous tubules Seminiferous TubulesProduce about 400 million male gametes/day EpididymisStores the spermatozoa Vas DeferensPathway traveled by sperm to leave body Prostate and Seminal Vesicles Produce semen – helps sperm move + sugar rich – provides sperm with energy for swimming UrethraSemen flows through this tube during ejaculation. Also releases urine Cowper’s GlandReleases fluid into urethra to help sperm survive Male Reproductive System

8 Female Reproductive System

9 Reproductive OrganPurpose OvariesWomen have 2. Take turns releasing one ovum every 28 days = Ovulation FolliclesLocated in the ovaries. Each follicle contains a single ovum and brings it to full maturity Fallopian TubesOvum travels through these tubes to the uterus. Survives 24-48 hours in tubes where it can be fertilized UterusHollow, pear shaped organ. Zygotes develop in the uterus VaginaPassage through which sperm enter the female and also how baby leaves the uterus during birth Female Reproductive System

10  Cycle lasts about 28 days  One ovum reaches maturity during every cycle  Body gets ready for a fertilization – the lining of the uterus thickens so fertilized egg can implant  When it doesn’t get fertilized  the ovum and lining of the uterus get expelled  This process is called a woman’s PERIOD The Menstrual Cycle


12 { Page 261 in your Textbook Memory Check

13 { The egg is fertilized, now what? Pregnancy

14 1. OVULATION - unfertilized ovum enters the fallopian tube 2. FERTILIZATION – sperm and egg combine to form the Zygote. The zygote travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus 3. CELL DIVISION – as the zygote travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus it is dividing 4. IMPLANTATION - By the time the zygote implants in the uterus it looks like a fluid-fill ball  The external cells will become the PLACENTA and the inside cells (embryoblast) becomes the EMBRYO Ovum Development

15  Embryo is surrounded by amniotic fluid and located in an amniotic sac – protects embryo from shock  The PLACENTA carries nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the embryo through the UMBILICAL CORD Embryo and Placenta

16  As the embryo develops (cells are still dividing), the cells begin to change  CELL DIFFERENTIATION – certain cells specialize to perform the functions of various body tissues and organs  GESTATION – the period of development before birth lasts 38-40 weeks in humans and is divided into 3 TRIMESTERS  Embryo = 1-8 weeks  Fetus = 8 weeks + From Embryo to Fetus

17  The placenta develops  Embryo takes on a recognizable human shape  Brain, heart, legs and arms, eyes and spine begin to form  By the end of the first trimester we can determine the sex of the fetus  The fetus beings to move First Trimester: Week 1-13

18  Skeleton begins to form  Hair and nails begin to grow  It begins to hear sounds from outside the womb  Mother can feel baby moving (and kicking) Second Trimester: Week 14-26

19  Most rapid growth during this period  Immune system develops  Bones harden  Fetus is running out of room in the uterus and will eventually settle into a head down position  Recognizes its mother’s voice  Often gets the hiccups Third Trimester: Week 27-40

20  During development, fetus gets all nutrients and oxygen from mother’s blood (through the placenta)  The 1 st trimester is a critical stage of embryonic development. Risk of fetal malformation is greatest during this period  Certain substance, such as cigarette smoke, alcohol and drugs interfere with fetal development Risks during Pregnancy

21  “Birth signal” sent by pituitary gland = Oxytocin which stimulates contractions of the uterus 1 - Dilation – cervix starts opening – water breaks 2 -Expulsion – strong contractions, baby moves through cervix 3 - Delivery of the Placenta Birth

22 { Development after birth Stages of Human Development

23  Early Childhood  Childhood  Adolescence  Adulthood The Stages

24 { Page 268 in your Textbook Memory Check

25 { Contraception Family Planning

26  Contraception causes temporary or permanent sterility in men/women  Certain methods of contraception prevent fertilization (meeting of sperm and egg). Others prevent the implantation of the zygote into the uterus Contraception

27  Billings Method  Basal Body Temperature Method  Female and Male Condoms  Diaphragm  Spermicides  Intrauterine device (IUD)  Oral Contraceptive (Birth Control Pills)  Birth Control Patch or Contraceptive Injection  Tubal Ligation  Vasectomy Types of Contraception

28 Billings Method

29 Basal Body Temperature Method

30  Prevents fertilization (stops sperm from meeting the egg) Female and Male Condoms

31 Diaphragm

32 Spermicides

33  Prevents zygote from implanting in the uterus Intrauterine Device (IUD)

34  Chemical method of contraception  Contains hormones that prevent ovulation and therefore the development of ova Oral Contraceptive (Birth Control Pills)

35 Birth Control Patch and Contraceptive Injection

36 Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy

37 { STDs or STIs Sexually Transmitted Diseases

38 1. Cause sterility in men and women (prevent them from having children 2. Cause damage to the nervous system or cardiovascular system 3. Be especially dangerous for pregnant women (put the health of their baby at risk) 4. Be extremely contagious (easily and quickly passed to some else) STDs can…

39  Wear a condom  Abstinence  Limit the number of sexual partners  Vaccine (Hepatitis B) To prevent Contracting STDs…

40  If you do contract an STD…  Inform your partner(s)  Begin proper treatment Be Responsible!

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