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Regulation of Market Power AG BM 102. Introduction Sometimes performance is bad & gov’t tries to correct it Started in 1887 with Interstate Commerce Act.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulation of Market Power AG BM 102. Introduction Sometimes performance is bad & gov’t tries to correct it Started in 1887 with Interstate Commerce Act."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation of Market Power AG BM 102

2 Introduction Sometimes performance is bad & gov’t tries to correct it Started in 1887 with Interstate Commerce Act regulating railroads 1890 - Sherman Antitrust Act 1914- Clayton Antitrust Act Lots more since

3 Economic Power Comes from a desire to gain increased technical efficiency and reduced costs Desire for market power Desire for social & political power

4 Regulations May be divided into regulation of structure Regulations of conduct Regulations of performance Enforcement an issue Some areas not addressed

5 Regulations of Structure Monopolization provisions of Sherman Act – offense requires possession of monopoly power in relevant market & willful acquisition & maintenance of that power – 75% market share magic number Acquisition provisions of Clayton Act – can’t acquire another firm if it will substantially lessen competition – hasn’t been enforced

6 Meat Packer’s Consent Decree & Packers & Stockyards Act packers can’t own stockyards, cold storage plants, terminal railroads Handle fish, vegetables, fruits, canned goods, fresh cream, milk Operate retail meat markets

7 Regulations of structure Interlocking directorate provisions of Clayton Act

8 Regulations of Conduct Regulations of Collusive or Restrictive Conduct Regulation of Unfair Trade Practices Other Conduct Regulations

9 Regulations of Collusive or Restrictive Conduct Restraint of Trade provisions of Sherman Act Federal Trade Commission Act – unfair trade practices – esp. price fixing Clayton Act – can’t sell on condition that can’t sell competitors stuff – full line forcing

10 Regulation of Unfair Trade Practices Big item for food industry Robinson Patman Act – 1936 – no price discrimination unless justified by costs of serving buyers Lots of state laws

11 Other Conduct Regulation Federal Trade Commission Truth in Packaging Truth in Lending Definitions of terms – juice vs. juice products

12 Regulations of Performance Cases where competition won’t work but like the structure Public utilities – natural monopolies Competition has too much instability – production ag.

13 Enforcement in Food Lots of price fixing & allocation of markets – esp. dairy & bakery – school bread contracts – low differentiated products Price fixing only an issue where price competition occurs Traditionally no horizontal mergers allowed – now very lax- Dean Foods Suiza

14 Not regulated well Differentiated products Only truth in advertising – no monopolization by differentiation monopsonies

15 Concluding Comments Based on structure > conduct > performance model Evolves over time – lately pretty lax Market power is real – some regulation is necessary

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