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Undergraduate Research Experiences Developing a Purdue Community of Practice Kickoff meeting January 25, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Undergraduate Research Experiences Developing a Purdue Community of Practice Kickoff meeting January 25, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Undergraduate Research Experiences Developing a Purdue Community of Practice Kickoff meeting January 25, 2016

2 Meeting Objectives  Build a better understanding of URE landscape at Purdue  Explore the value of a community for sharing  Knowledge  Resources  Evaluation  Programming  Identify areas for efficiencies  Identify common challenges

3 Program Mapping  Place a dot next to each element that is part of your program

4 Undergraduate Research Experience : What research says about URE

5 What is URE?  URE means different things to different people depending on the discipline, scope of work, purpose, etc.  Most common definition: “URE is an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline” (Halstead, 1997)

6 Outcomes of UREs: What does the research say? UREs benefit student educational and professional outcomes  Learning outcomes and skill development (e.g., critical thinking, communication, teamwork) (Ahlm, 1997; Adedokun, et al., 2013; Davis & Glazier, 1997; Hunter, Laursen, & Seymour, 2007)  Psychosocial and career development (e.g., increased motivation, self- efficacy beliefs, awareness of career options, identity development) (Miller, Rycek, & Fritson, 2011; Adedokun et al., 2012; Adedokun et al., 2013)  Persistence in undergraduate and graduate science education for majority and non majority students (Hippel, Lerner, Gregerman, Nagda, & Jonides, 1998; Hathaway, Nagda, & Gregerman, 2002; Jones, Barlow, & Villarejo, 2010)

7 But how do UREs achieve these outcomes? URE is a cognitive and social apprenticeship (Brown, Collins, Duguid, 1989)  Learning is a social process;  competence in a domain is defined in terms of expertise rather than innate ability;  meaningful learning is active, constructive and self- regulating ; and  learning activities should reflect real world rather than decontextualized academic tasks (Shuell, 1997, p. 751, cited in Kardash, 2000, p. 192).

8 UREs as examples of apprenticeship learning  Provide opportunities for undergraduate students, as novices in the “art” of research, to learn to “do” research by working collaboratively with research experts and more experienced peers  Serve as platforms for the initiation and socialization of undergraduates into the research community of practice  Increasingly meaningful activities and ownership of work with time (Fair et al., 2004; Kardash, 2000; Stamatoplos, 2009)

9 Flavors of UREs at Purdue -- Introductions  Diverse combination of purposes, models, formats, activities, evaluation methods  Please introduce yourself (name, department/unit) and your program(s).  Where does your program(s) fall on each of the lists around the room?  As you look around the room, what is one interesting thing you notice about the “survey” of program features?

10 Opportunities for a Purdue URE Community ( Think/Pair/Share)  Pair up with somebody at your table with a program that differs from yours in some aspect.  Discuss differences and similarities between programs.  Identify one potential area of collaboration between your programs.  How could collaboration enhance the value to both programs?  Report back to the large group.

11 Enhancing Value through Collaboration (Table Discussion)  Each table member describe 1-2 challenges your program faces  Develop a list of common challenges for your table  Record list  Post list

12 Next Steps (Group Brainstorm)  How might a URE Community of Practice help address common or specific challenges?  What other purposes might a CoP serve?  What are next steps for this community?

13 DLRC-affiliated program ProgramContextGoalsNEvaluation Tools DURI Interdisciplinary Research  Research Pipeline;  Interdisciplinary thinking;  Research skills and self- efficacy;  Communication skills  Disciplinary knowledge  Career awareness/ clarification 815 Focus group Pre-post survey Reflective journal Post grad survey Research Poster Faculty survey CPIPCancer Prevention45+ Scenario activity TOPRSObesity Prevention7 HHMI Quant. BiolQuantitative Biology71 Focus group Pre-post survey Faculty survey Research Poster STAT-LLCApplied Statistics20- Faculty survey CISECyber Security19 Focus group Pre-post survey IASAccessible Lab Experiences 6Interviews Pre-post survey Faculty survey

14 Evaluation Tools ToolInterest/ Aspiration Clarify Career Interdisc. thinking Res. Skills/ Efficacy Program Devel. Pre/post survey XXXXX Focus Group XXXXX Research Poster/ Presentatio n XX Scenario activity XX Reflective journals XXXXX Post grad survey XXXXX Faculty Survey XX

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