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The Bill of Rights The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution NEXT.

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2 The Bill of Rights The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution NEXT

3 1 st Amendment 5 Freedoms  Freedom of speech  Freedom of the press  Freedom of religion  Freedom of assembly  Freedom of petition NEXT Go Back speech religion assembly press petition

4 More on freedom of religion What does it mean? Establishment Clause – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”  This is generally interpreted as the government not being allowed to endorse any religion over another Wall of Separation – There should be a separation between church and state  This means that government or institutions funded by government cannot promote one religion over another (an extension of the Establishment Clause) NEXT Go Back

5 Limits to our freedoms 1. Your freedoms cannot endanger the government Ex: Treason 2. Your freedoms cannot infringe upon another person’s rights Ex: yelling fire in a crowded theatre NEXT FIRE! Go Back

6 Let’s review Amendment 1 with a question. Full Faith and Credit Clause Establishment Clause Supremacy Clause Hint

7 Let’s try another question for Amendment 1 Writing a letter to the mayor Participating in a peaceful protest Participating in a peaceful protest Yelling “fire!” in a crowded theatre Yelling “fire!” in a crowded theatre Hint

8 Amendment 2 The right of the people to keep and bear arms  This is actually in support of a militia NEXT

9 Amendment 3 You have the right to deny the housing of soldiers in times of peace or war (unless the law states otherwise) NEXT Go Back

10 Amendment 4 You are protected from unreasonable searches and seizure of property NEXT Go Back

11 It’s time to test your knowledge again Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Hint

12 Amendment 5 There are 5 important parts to this Amendment  Due Process/Grand Jury  Self-Incrimination  Double Jeopardy  Eminent Domain More detail to come in the following slides NEXT due process/grand jury double jeopardy self-incrimination eminent domain

13 Amendment 5 – Due Process/ Grand Jury Due Process – Every accused person should receive the same fair and equal treatment. Grand Jury – No person shall be tried for a capital offense without first being indicted by a grand jury. NEXT Go Back

14 Amendment 5 – Self-incrimination All persons are protected from self-incrimination.  “You have the right to remain silent.”  You do not have to be a witness against yourself. NEXT Go Back

15 Amendment 5 – Double Jeopardy Double Jeopardy means you cannot be tried twice for the same crime. If you are found not guilty of a crime (and you really did it), you are free to brag about it. NEXT Go Back

16 Amendment 5 – Eminent Domain Eminent Domain – your private property cannot be taken by the government unless it is for public use and they must compensate you for it.  Really that is the same thing as saying the gov’t CAN take your private property as long as they compensate you for it…oh well. NEXT Go Back

17 Ok, It’s time to test your Amendment 5 knowledge. A police officer A petit jury A grand jury Hint

18 Here is one more question for Amendment 5. You are found not guilty of murder, but the judge decides to try you again anywayYou are found not guilty of murder, but the judge decides to try you again anyway. You are found not guilty of murder, but the judge decides to try you again anywayYou are found not guilty of murder, but the judge decides to try you again anyway. The defendant has been told that he has the right to remain silent. The defendant has been told that he has the right to remain silent. The state of North Carolina builds a highway through your farm land after giving you $20,000. The state of North Carolina builds a highway through your farm land after giving you $20,000. Hint

19 Amendment 6 All accused criminals are given the following rights:  The right to know charges  The right to a fair and speedy trial  The right to a trial by an impartial jury  The right to legal counsel NEXT You are under arrest for being ugly know charges impartial jury legal counsel

20 Amendment 7 If a lawsuit is more than $20, you have the right to request a jury trial. You can pay your lawyer a couple of grand to convince the jury that your are owed $21. NEXT Go Back

21 Amendment 8 You have the following rights regarding punishments:  You are protected from cruel and unusual punishments.  You are protected from excessive bails and fines. NEXT Go Back excessive fines cruel punishments

22 Almost done. Here is another question. Amendment 6 Amendment 7 Amendment 8 Hint

23 Amendment 9 A person’s rights are not limited to what is written in the Constitution. These are protected rights for people. NEXT

24 Amendment 10 Powers not written in the Constitution for the federal government are reserved for states. These are reserved state powers. NEXT Go Back

25 Hooray! Here is your final question. Amendment 8 Amendment 9 Amendment 10 Hint

26 Congratulations! You have finished the tutorial on the Bill of Rights. Back to Beginning Back to Beginning

27 Your are correct. Great Job! The Establishment Clause is found in the first amendment and allows all persons in America to have freedom of religion. Let’s Continue

28 Good try, but that is incorrect. The Full Faith and Credit Clause is actually found in Article 4 of the US Constitution. It says that states must respect laws of other states. Let’s Try Again

29 Good try, but that is incorrect. The Supremacy Clause is found in Article 6 of the US Constitution and says that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Let’s Try Again

30 Your are correct. Great Job! Yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theatre is not a right of free speech. If someone were to get hurt, you would be responsible. Therefore, this scenario is an infringement upon the rights of others. Let’s Continue

31 Good try, but that is incorrect. Writing a letter to your mayor or any other government official is perfectly within your rights as a citizen. This is protected by free speech and freedom of petition. Let’s Try Again

32 Good try, but that is incorrect. Participating in a peaceful protest is protected by freedom of assembly. Let’s Try Again

33 Your are correct. Great Job! Amendment 4 protects against unreasonable search and seizure. Therefore, in most cases, police officers must have a warrant or probable cause to search your property. Let’s Continue

34 Good try, but that is incorrect. Remember, amendment 2 is the right to bear arms. Let’s Try Again

35 Good try, but that is incorrect. Remember, amendment 3 deals with the quartering of soldiers. This is something the British government took advantage of during the colonial days, and that is why it is included in our Bill of Rights. Let’s Try Again

36 Your are correct. Great Job! Before you can go to trial for a capital crime, you must first be indicted by a grand jury. If not, you are free to go….for the time being anyway. Let’s Continue

37 Good try, but that is incorrect. Police officers may initially arrest and charge you for a crime, but their charge is unofficial when it comes to capital cases. Let’s Try Again

38 Good try, but that is incorrect. The petit jury actually hears the trial case and they will decide your innocence or guilt. Let’s Try Again

39 Your are correct. Great Job! Once you are found not guilty of a crime, you cannot be arrested for that same crime again. This would violate your double jeopardy rights. Let’s Continue

40 Good try, but that is incorrect. According to the Supreme court, police are required to read you your rights at the time you are being charged with a crime. Let’s Try Again

41 Good try, but that is incorrect. Since the government uses highways for public use and there is $20,000 compensation, this does not violate the 5 th amendment rule of eminent domain. Let’s Try Again

42 Your are correct. Great Job! Although this has been interpreted in a variety of ways by the Supreme Court over the years, the 6 th amendment does guarantee you the right to legal counsel. This right is also included in the Miranda rights. Let’s Continue

43 Good try, but that is incorrect. Amendment 7 deals with civil suits involving amounts over $20. Let’s Try Again

44 Good try, but that is incorrect. Amendment 8 protects you from cruel and unusual punishments and excessive bails and fines. Let’s Try Again

45 Your are correct. Great Job! The founding fathers couldn’t think of anything else to add to the Constitution so they decided that anything left not written in the Constitution should be reserved for states. Marriage would be an example. Let’s Continue

46 Good try, but that is incorrect. Amendment 8 protects you from cruel and unusual punishments and excessive bails and fines. Let’s Try Again

47 Good try, but that is incorrect. Amendment 9 protects rights for people even if those rights are not explicitly written in the Constitution. Let’s Try Again

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