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Reg: in Indian Motion Producers Pictures Association, Mumbai.

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Presentation on theme: "Reg: in Indian Motion Producers Pictures Association, Mumbai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reg: in Indian Motion Producers Pictures Association, Mumbai.

2 Jaisalraj Films & Media presents ‘Kudarat Na Khode (Lap Of Nature) A Commercial Gujarati Film

3 The story of this film is related to the historical, religious and specially natural places of Gujarat. This film wants to pass a message to public for the enjoyment of life by nature & feel stressless and can be relax from their routine boring life.

4 Theme of this film: In this film, there is a joint family that decides to visit natural and religious places of surrounding area at the occasion of a family function. They enjoy a lot by experience nature in its real sense and becomes so happy,burdenless and fresh. The whole family decides to go every year to enjoy nature like that.

5 The idea for success of this film. We have a really attractive concept, which will give so much success to this film. As per our theme, we have decided to apply it practically. We will take 500 lucky winners to visit all the places that included in our film by our own expenses. So that the public will be attracted to see this film and we will get success.

6 Our attractive offer for the sponsorer If any sponsorer will provide us the enough fund ( as per our budget), we will give them the whole amount of sponsorship back as soon as possible after releasing the film. That means your advertisement will be totally free. It is possible.

7 For more details: Contact: Vishal Patel:-09824877943, 07405672385


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