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Warm- Up Turn to page 15 in unit E. Answer question 1. What do all living things require? There are three. Study for quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm- Up Turn to page 15 in unit E. Answer question 1. What do all living things require? There are three. Study for quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm- Up Turn to page 15 in unit E. Answer question 1. What do all living things require? There are three. Study for quiz

2 Quiz: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1-3: List the things all living things need. 4-6: List the 3 components of cell theory. 7-10: List the 4 characteristics of all living things. 11-12: Which two organelles are found in all cells? 13. Where is heredity information stored in the cell? 14. Which organelle release energy in the cell? 15. What does prokaryotic mean? 16-18: List the 3 methods cells can use for movement. 19. Which organelle removes waste? 20. Which organelle digest materials in a cell?

3 Kingdom Protista NCSCOS 6.03

4 Protists Key words: chloroplast, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, eyespot, contractile vacuole Organisms are usually put into groups based on similarities.

5 Kingdom Protista Very diverse group of organisms; MOST protists are unicellular, BUT NOT ALL. ALL Protists are EUKARYOTIC. Protists can be animal- like, plant-like or both. What does that mean?. Protists

6 Euglena Unicellular protists with plant and animal characteristics Eyespot detects light… what do you think happens then?

7 Amoeba Unicellular protist; considered animal-like because they feed on other organisms. Movement through pseudopods.

8 Paramecium Unicellular protist common in ponds. Covered with cilia for movement. Contractile vacuole pumps water out of the cell. Contains two nuclei: one for processes and one for reproduction.

9 Volvox Unicellular protist with chloroplast to conduct photosynthesis. Can not live alone; live in “colonies” 500 to 60,000 Volvox in a colony and the colonies move throughout the water Cells use flagella to propel colony through the water

10 Groups and Features ProtistStructureMovementFoodSpec. Cell Structure Euglena AmoebaUni- Paramecium VolvoxUni-/colony

11 Test Review 1.Why can certain satellites detect differences in ocean temperature? They use SONAR They use RADAR They detect invisible energy They detect visible light 2. Which of the following can cause high turbidity in a water system? High nitrate levels Low temperatures High dissolved oxygen levels Low pH

12 Assignment Complete the worksheet with the multiple choice questions. This will be graded and is to stay in your notebook.

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