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CONVERTING UNITS: LENGTH CONVERSION. For Your Notes: Units of Length  1km = 1000m  1m = 100cm  1m = 1000mm  1cm = 10mm.

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2 For Your Notes: Units of Length  1km = 1000m  1m = 100cm  1m = 1000mm  1cm = 10mm

3 The process of converting units of length  To convert length from a larger unit (km to cm) into a smaller unit, multiply by the relevant power of 10.power  To convert length from a smaller unit (mm to m) into a larger unit, divide by the relevant power of 10.  1)Click on the following link and scroll down to the “Converting Metric Units” section.  meter/01_units/length.htm meter/01_units/length.htm

4 Yet Another Way…  The process of converting units can be quite simple if you use the following method  WorksheetKeyH.pdf WorksheetKeyH.pdf

5 More on Metric Conversions  Check out a math dictionary for kids “chart section” ( rtsIntro.html), after entering the site click on measurement rtsIntro.html  Under “Length” click Metric Units, and review equivalent units at the bottom of the page.  Also under “Length” click Metric Conversions, and review the examples below blue the ovals

6 PRACTICE  In our next class we’ll play a game. The theme is who wants to be a millionaire!  *The power point was created by an individual in England so you will be playing for pounds instead of dollars*

7 For Homework  Complete questions 27-32 on page 121 and question 2 on page 55 of Ontario Math workbook 6  Work on the converting lengths word document I have provided.

8 Still Having Trouble with Conversion?...check out this bonus video.  feature=related feature=related

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