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Payroll  Name : Munwar Ali Bhangwar  Class : BS(PA) Part-2 Morning Regular  Roll No: 2K11/PA/71  Sub : HRM  Assigned By “Sir Abdul Jabber Keerio 

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Presentation on theme: "Payroll  Name : Munwar Ali Bhangwar  Class : BS(PA) Part-2 Morning Regular  Roll No: 2K11/PA/71  Sub : HRM  Assigned By “Sir Abdul Jabber Keerio "— Presentation transcript:

1 Payroll  Name : Munwar Ali Bhangwar  Class : BS(PA) Part-2 Morning Regular  Roll No: 2K11/PA/71  Sub : HRM  Assigned By “Sir Abdul Jabber Keerio  “Department of Public Administration” “University Of Sindh”

2 Payroll  “The sum of all the financial records of employees salaries (wages, bonuses & deductions etc).  “There are three types of payroll payments”  (1)Monthly salary.  (2)Working hours.  (3)Number of item produced.

3 Types of Payroll  “There are three types of Payroll System”  (1) Manual Payroll System.  (2) In-house Computerized Payroll Sys.  (3) Out sourced Payroll System.

4  (1)Manual Payroll System: Pay made by hand (increasing errors).  Standard time Sheet, Wage & tax calculations by calculators/hand write type writer.  Hard Copy save storage box.  (2)In-House computerized payroll System: Payroll software(Z-pay & Quick books)  Calculates wages & deductions based on inputted data.

5  (3) Out Sourced Payroll System: Direct online deposit, payment live checks.  Its helps in reaching online Payroll data.

6 The Functions of Payroll  Specialist: The primary function of payroll specialist is to process employees time & attendance data from companies time system.He issue the paychecks to employees.  He is issued two types of papers to employees for receiving money/amount.  (1)Paycheck.  (2)Payroll Card.

7  (1)Paychecks: It is traditionally paper document (cheque) issued by an employer to pay an employee for services rendered.  (2)Payroll Card: A payroll card can be more convenient then using a cheque cashier,because this card can be used at participating ATM, to with draw cash.

8 Responsibilities of Payroll Master  Process employees data (pay rates & miscellaneous charges)  Process employees time & attendance data.  Process voluntary & involuntary deductions.  Calculate process manual checks.

9  Provide information employees on below areas:  (a)Inquiries regarding paystubs & taxes relates to their pay.  (b)Enter of time clock punched or time off.  Audit new hire entries coming from HRIS & design time & attendance time.  Approving the employees self service entries.

10 The End

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