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AME - Student Success Workshop March 4, 2010 Derrick Doige, M.Ed Okanagan College -Counsellor

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Presentation on theme: "AME - Student Success Workshop March 4, 2010 Derrick Doige, M.Ed Okanagan College -Counsellor"— Presentation transcript:

1 AME - Student Success Workshop March 4, 2010 Derrick Doige, M.Ed Okanagan College -Counsellor

2 Derrick Doige – Counsellor  D366  545-7291 local 2208   http://people.okanagan.bc. ca/ddoige/ http://people.okanagan.bc. ca/ddoige/ http://people.okanagan.bc. ca/ddoige/

3 My Web Site

4 Check-in  What are your challenges so far?

5 Success!!!  Success in not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts! Winston Churchill

6 The Successful Person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn’t like to do. Thomas Edison

7 What is the # 1 predictor of student success?  Read the following sentence aloud: opportunityisnowhere opportunity is now here Your Attitude will determine your Altitude!

8 OC New Admissions Exam The 100 Test p.55 2342 41290 13 67 87 2911 453376 5398 2899100 6256 17 3 7

9 If you fail to plan, plan to fail (unknown)

10 A Time Management Demonstration There’s not enough time!

11 Golf Balls and Sugar  What are your Golf Balls?  What is your Sugar?  Are you spending enough time on RESET? Relax/Rewards, Exercise, Sleep, Eat, Time. Time flies, it’s up to you to be the navigator. (Robert Orben)

12 Build A Weekly Schedule


14 Making Your Mark  Break up into groups of five:  Chapter 2 Time Management  Chapter 3: Note Taking  Chapter 4: Study Hints and Shortcuts  Chapter 6: How to Study for Exams  Chapter 7: Managing College Life

15 Reading Texts SQ54  Survey  Question  Read  Respond  Record  Relate  Review


17 Manage Review Time Daily review  Material you have just learned  Material that involves simple memorization Weekly review  30 – 60 minutes per subject Major reviews  Week before the exam  Take short breaks every hour  Avoid marathon study sessions  Use study groups

18 Preparing for Exams  RAP technique:  R – Review notes frequently  A – Anticipate questions (form study groups)  P – Practice

19 Derrick’s Recipe for Success  Take responsibility for your learning  Stay healthy (Relax, Eat, Sleep, Exercise, Time)  Manage your time wisely  Create a weekly schedule & develop a routine  Be an active learner (Pyramid and SQ5R)  Take good notes (Cornel System)  Review your notes frequently (3 types of review)  Form Study Groups  Anticipate the questions on the exam  Learn from your mistakes  Get help sooner than later  Have Fun!!

20 If all else fails…..

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