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Abcdefghijkl Home Contents Insurance - Social Rented Sector David Steane Scottish Executive 15 June 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Abcdefghijkl Home Contents Insurance - Social Rented Sector David Steane Scottish Executive 15 June 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 abcdefghijkl Home Contents Insurance - Social Rented Sector David Steane Scottish Executive 15 June 2005

2 abcdefghijkl Contents  Background  Approach  Funding  Review  Findings  Next Steps

3 abcdefghijkl


5 Background  Shettleston, July 2002 and other areas  Low level of take-up in social rented sector  “Assistance” (along with Awareness, Avoidance, Alleviation…and Adaptation??)  Ideas considered to assist: xCompulsory Insurance xDirect funding from Executive to victims Build on Landlord Insurance schemes

6 abcdefghijkl Approach Build on Landlord Insurance schemes Establish Baseline situation Work with ABI and other stakeholders Provide funding to LAs and SFHA (RSLs) Review effectiveness of funding

7 abcdefghijkl Funding  £500,000 total (2003/04):  £400,000 distributed to LA, stock transfer organisations and SFHA  £100,000 retained in Division for publicity campaign, production of leaflets/posters

8 abcdefghijkl Review  Commenced early July 2004  Two parts:  1-Further Survey of Insurance Schemes  Wider coverage? (~50,000 tenants had access to a scheme)  Increased take-up? (~58% of tenants have contents insurance)  2-Identify what funding was used for, eg:  Assisting to implement an Insurance scheme  Training front-line staff  Developing and publishing Local Promotional material  Holding promotional events

9 abcdefghijkl Findings  28 of 32 LAs operate a scheme  75,000 tenants have insurance provided by LA schemes or 12% of the total social rented sector  Funding primarily for local publicity campaigns  Increase in take up of over 30% for SFHA Diamond Insurance Scheme  Take up reported as increasing or about the same as 2002 in 89% of authorities

10 abcdefghijkl Next Steps  Scottish Household Survey findings  Research possibilities  Performance standard?  Workshops to share best practice  Targeted publicity  Financial inclusion considerations  Support to Scottish Water  Further survey of schemes

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