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Test Review 5. 1.What boundaries do each of the following happen at? A.Grind past each other: Transform B.Earthquakes: all boundaries C.Volcanoes: convergent.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Review 5. 1.What boundaries do each of the following happen at? A.Grind past each other: Transform B.Earthquakes: all boundaries C.Volcanoes: convergent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Review 5

2 1.What boundaries do each of the following happen at? A.Grind past each other: Transform B.Earthquakes: all boundaries C.Volcanoes: convergent and divergent D.Volcanic mountain ranges: oceanic- continental convergent E.Volcanic arch islands: oceanic-oceanic convergent F.Continental mountain ranges: continental- continental convergent G.Rift valleys: divergent H.Mid-ocean ridges: divergent

3 I. Subduction zones: oceanic-continental and oceanic-oceanic convergent J. Both earthquakes and volcanoes: divergent, oceanic-oceanic, oceanic- continental K. Only earthquakes: transform, continental- continental convergent L. Seafloor spreading: divergent M. Ocean trenches: oceanic-continental and oceanic-oceanic convergent N. Produces the greatest number of earth quakes: convergent

4 2.Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift. 3.His theory was not accepted at the time because he could not explain HOW the plates moved 4.Plates move because of convection currents in the mantle 5.Scientists used sonar to discover the mid-Atlantic ridge 6.Harry Hess discovered seafloor spreading that helped bring back Alfred’s theory of continental drift 7.The outer core of the Earth creates the magnetic field 8.The seafloor gets older as you move away from the mid-ocean ridge

5 9.Subduction is when one plate sinks below another plate 10.Scientists use the location of earthquake and volcanoes to find the plate boundaries 11.The theory of plate tectonics was proposed in the 1960’s 12.The 5 lines of evidence for the theory of plate tectonics are… a.Coastlines match up b.Fossils found on distant continents c.Mountain ranges continue on distant continents d.Seafloor spreading e.Paleomagnetism

6 Draw a diagram of the way convection currents are going when plates converge.

7 Draw a diagram of the way convection currents are going when plates diverge.

8 Draw a picture of a divergent boundary. Include the following: magma, rift valley, mid-ocean ridge, oceanic crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere and arrows in the direction of movement

9 Draw a picture of oceanic-oceanic convergent boundaries. Include magma, subduction zone, trench, lithosphere, asthenosphere, oceanic crust, volcanic arch islands and arrows in the correct direction of movement

10 Draw a picture of oceanic-continental convergent boundaries. Include magma, subduction zone, trench, lithosphere, asthenosphere, oceanic crust, continental crust, volcanic mountain ranges and arrows in the correct direction of movement

11 Draw a picture of continental-continental convergent boundaries. Include: lithosphere, asthenosphere, continental crust, continental mountain ranges and arrows in the correct direction of movement

12 Draw a picture of transform plate boundaries. Include lithosphere, asthenosphere, and arrows in the correct direction of movement

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