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Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) After WWI, the US government canceled _____ in airplane contracts and within.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) After WWI, the US government canceled _____ in airplane contracts and within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) After WWI, the US government canceled _____ in airplane contracts and within 3 months _______ factory workers were laid off. 2) After WWI, military aviation was cut by ___? 3) What were the most common type of military surplus planes “Barnstormers” flew? 4) How much could a “Barnstormer” purchase a plane from the government? 5) Who was the first licensed black female pilot? Warm-Up – 9/16 – 10 minutes

2 Questions / Comments

3 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) After WWI, the US government canceled _____ in airplane contracts and within 3 months _______ factory workers were laid off. Warm-Up – 9/16 – 10 minutes

4 Within 3 days of the war ending, the U.S. government canceled $100 million in airplane contracts. Within 3 months, 175,000 factory workers had been laid off. Investing in Air Power x

5 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 2) After WWI, military aviation was cut by ___? Warm-Up – 9/16 – 10 minutes

6 Military aviation was cut by 95 percent. Military airfields were closed Pilots and other aviation personnel were unemployed Aviation in the U.S. almost died – except for two groups of people Barnstormers and Army aviators Investing in Air Power

7 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 3) What were the most common type of military surplus planes “Barnstormers” flew? Warm-Up – 9/16 – 10 minutes

8 Ex-military pilots who flew war- surplus planes Curtiss JN-4 “Jenny” Barnstormers

9 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 4) How much could a “Barnstormer” purchase a plane from the government? Warm-Up – 9/16 – 10 minutes

10 Gov’t paid $5000 but sold for as little as $200 Barnstormers

11 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 5) Who was the first licensed black female pilot? Warm-Up – 9/16 – 10 minutes Bessie Coleman 1 st licensed black female pilot

12 Questions / Comments

13  September 16  1914 — The Canadian Aviation Corps is authorized by the Minister of Militia and Defense to be formed.  This is the beginning of Canada's military air force. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

14  September 16 1958 — First delivery of Lockheed F-104 “Starfighters” announced. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

15 Questions / Comments

16 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 31 Chapter 2 Intro 1 Chapter 2 Curtiss 2 Chapter 2 Vin Fiz Progress Rpts Due 3 Chapter 2 Progress in Europe 4 Chapter 2 QUIZ Progress Rpts Sent Home 5 67 NO SCHOOL HOLIDAY 8 Chapter 2 WWI Preparing for War 9 Chapter 2 WWI Fighter Development 10 Chapter 2 WWI Fighter Aces Lafayette Escadrille 11 WWI TEST FltLine Friday “FlyBoys” 12 1314 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 15 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 16 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 17 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 18 Chapter 3 QUIZ 19 2021 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 22 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 23 Progress Rpts Due 24 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 25 Progress Rpts Sent Home 26 27282930 September 2015

17 Chapter 3 - The Golden Age 1919 - 1939 Army Air Power Develops

18  Mission:  Discuss in writing the advantage air power has over ships.  Identify in writing what led the Navy to develop the aircraft carrier.  Describe in writing the military’s attempt to fly across the American continent.  Describe in writing the impact that the around-the-world flight had on the development of air power.  EQ: What were some of the technological advancements that influenced aviation during this timeframe (1919- 1939)? Today’s Mission Requirements

19 Video of the Day General William “Billy” Mitchell

20  While “barnstormers” created interest in aviation among citizens.  General “Billy” Mitchell was trying to encourage investment in military aviation.  Thought the airplane could be used to bomb military and industrial targets and this would eventually save lives. Army Air Power Develops

21  Mitchell advocated the air force as a separate service.  Many believed at that time that the nation’s defense was the battleship.  In 1921, Mitchell’s pilots sank the battleship “Ostfriesland” proving Mitchell was right. Army Air Power Develops

22  The Army and Congress which controlled the defense budget rejected the demonstration.  The Navy saw that aircraft could play a dominant role in future warfare and in 8 months had their first aircraft carrier. Army Air Power Develops USS Langley (CV-1), America's first aircraft carrier

23  General Mitchell planned the first round-the-world flight.  Four aircraft (Douglas DWC/DOS)  Boston, Chicago, Seattle, & New Orleans  It was completed in 1924. Army Air Power Develops

24  Seattle, Alaska, Japan, China, Indochina, Burma, Syria, Austria, France, England, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador, Newfoundland – Seattle Army Air Power Develops

25  Flight took 175 days  Two aircraft completed the journey  Chicago and New Orleans  Total distance  26,345 miles  Flt time 363 hrs 7 min Army Air Power Develops

26 Other Firsts First refueling in 1923 Aircraft stayed airborne 37 hrs 15 minutes Refueling from a 50 ft hose from airplane to airplane Refueled 16 times with about 50 gallons transferred each time

27  In 1924, Army Lt. Russell Maughan flew coast-to-coast.  Flew from New York to San Francisco (landed 5 times to refuel)  2,850 miles  21 hrs and 47 minutes  This flight demonstrated that Army aircraft located anywhere in the US could be flown to any other location in the country in less than a day. Army Air Power Develops Curtiss PW-8

28  1929 - First demo of paratroops.  17 men jumped from DH-4s at 3,000 ft  3 bundles of machine guns, and ammunition dropped at same time  Within 4 minutes of landing the machine guns were in action Army Air Power Develops


30  Gen Mitchell gained world wide acclaim BUT did not get a separate Air Service or more money for military aviation. Gen Mitchell  Criticized the defenses of the US – thought they were vulnerable to air attack  1927 - Stated an attack at Pearl Harbor would destroy Navy’s Pacific Fleet Army Air Power Develops

31  Gen Mitchell was told to stop attacks on Navy and war department  He was court-martialed and forced to retire as a Colonel  Died in 1936 Army Air Power Develops

32  Air Power received more attention  Army Air Service changed to Army Air Corps  Post of Assistant Secretary of War for Aeronautics created  Additional funds and Research and Development of Military Aviation Army Air Power Develops

33 Questions / Comments


35  Must Use Safety Glasses  Use of Cutting tools is Dangerous – AT ALL TIMES  Must Use Cutting Mats  Extended breathing of adhesives and paint fumes can be dangerous  All Areas will remain clean and organized  Plane Captains will insure All Areas will be cleaned and all items put back in proper locations 10 minutes prior to class ending  Class SAFETY MONITOR will insure areas are clean and safe at all times


37  Mission:  Discuss in writing the advantage air power has over ships.  Gen Mitchell thought bombing military and industrial targets deep inside enemy’s homeland – attack troops and supply lines and effectively cut troops off from their supply lines  Identify in writing what led the navy to develop the aircraft carrier.  Mitchell’s demonstration on the bombing of the battleship. Saw airplanes could play dominant role in future naval warfare by bombing ships and launching attacks from sea  Describe in writing the military’s attempt to fly across the American continent.  Flew in one day from New York to San Francisco – demonstrated that you could get to any location in the US from another in one day  Describe in writing the impact that the around-the-world flight had on the development of air power.  This proved that an aircraft was capable of flying around the world – led to aerial refueling Today’s Mission Requirements

38  Mission:  Recognize the advantage air power has over ships.  Identify what led the navy to develop the aircraft carrier.  Describe the military’s attempt to fly across the American continent.  Describe the impact that the around-the-world flight had on the development of air power.  EQ: What were some of the improvements of quality and quantity that influenced aviation during this timeframe (1919-1939)? Today’s Mission Requirements

39 Lesson Closure - 3 – 2 - 1 3. List 3 things you learned today. 1. Create (1) quiz question with answer about today’s lesson. 2. List 2 things you have questions about today’s lesson.

40 Questions / Comments

41 Lesson Closure- Finish these Statements 3. Something I found difficult to understand today was... 4. The following is a test question I’d like to see on the test… 1. One thing I learned today was... 2. Something from today's lesson that I want to find out more about is...

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