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Why did your parents give you your first name? Who can share with us the particular meaning of your name?

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2 Why did your parents give you your first name? Who can share with us the particular meaning of your name?

3 Just as names are a significant part of our lives, they play a significant role for people in the Bible, and for God. Today we will see what we can learn about God from His names.

4 How Excellent Is Your Name! Exodus 33:12–34:8 family theme: God is LORD family theme: God is LORD

5 Know: God’s names in the Old Testament are an important way He reveals who He is and what He is like. Objectives:

6 Think: Recognize that God is both powerful and personal. He is the only true God and reveals Himself as able to do whatever He intends to do. This purpose includes His willingness to enter into personal relationships with people to reconcile them to Himself. Objectives:

7 Do: Learn as much as you can about God—who He is and what He is like. The better you know Him the better you are able to worship Him with all of your thoughts, attitudes, and actions for His glory. Objectives:

8 We Can Understand the Characteristics of Old Testament Personalities Through Their Names Genesis 17:5

9 We Can Understand the Characteristics of Old Testament Personalities Through Their Names Names in Scripture helped to establish a person’s identity and often revealed features of a person’s character.

10 Live in such a way that your name reflects good character and godliness. What do you want to come to people’s minds when they hear your name? If you were to take a new biblical name, what would it be? What biblical name would fit you?

11 We Can Learn About God and His Character Through His Names Genesis 1:1

12 We Can Learn About God and His Character Through His Names God’s names reveal much about who He is and what He is like. His names become a way of telling us about Himself.

13 Worship God as revealed by His names and seek to reflect His character. Which attribute of God as revealed by His names are you most thankful for this week? How can our lives display the greatness of God to those around us?

14 Recognizing God as LORD Reflects a Personal Relationship with Him Exodus 33:12–34:8

15 The word “LORD” often reflected God’s relationship with His people. God is a personal, spiritual being.

16 Recognizing God as LORD Reflects a Personal Relationship With Him The one true proper name of God in the Old Testament is the name translated “LORD” in our English Bibles. “LORD” often shows God’s personal relationship with His covenant people.

17 The Lord comes to us offering Himself as our redeemer in a personal relationship. How does it make you feel to know the God of the universe wants to have a personal relationship with you?

18 The Lord comes to us offering Himself as our redeemer in a personal relationship. How would you explain to someone the personal relationship we can have with God? How would you describe how to begin such a relationship with God?

19 With whom could you share how to have a personal relationship with God? What would you say to help that person begin a personal relationship with God?

20 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

21 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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