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Surviving the OPAC Helpful tips for Elementary Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Surviving the OPAC Helpful tips for Elementary Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surviving the OPAC Helpful tips for Elementary Students

2 What is the OPAC?  The OPAC is an online program that allows you to search for your favorite tiles, authors, or subjects. 

3 How can I open it? On the library computer’s website you can open OPAC by double clicking on the picture that looks like this:

4 How do I search? Once in the OPAC there are many different types of searches you can use to find the book you want. The two most popular are a Subject search or a Keyword search

5 What is a Subject Search?  You will want to do a subject search when you know the exact Library of Congress or L.C.S.H. heading.  This type of search uses controlled vocabulary. This means if you don’t use the correct LCSH heading, you will not find what you are searching for.  For example, you would search animal husbandry to learn more about taking care of animals instead of searching pets. For more help on doing a subject search check out this video: Subject Search Video Subject Search Video

6 Examples of Subject Searches

7 What is a Keyword Search?  You will want to do a keyword search when you don NOT have an exact LCSH heading in mind.  For example, if you want to know about wild animals, but don’t know what kind you would want to use a keyword search. For more help check out this video: Keyword Search Video Keyword Search Video  A keyword search is a great place to start when you do not know a lot about a topic. You will get a lot of topics, many of which you might not want. In order to get a more specific search try a subject search.

8 Still Have Questions?  No worries!! This is a hard idea to learn. For more information see your friendly librarian at the check-out desk.

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