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Meiosis The Production of Sex Cells. How many chromosomes does a human body cell have? 46.

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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis The Production of Sex Cells. How many chromosomes does a human body cell have? 46."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis The Production of Sex Cells

2 How many chromosomes does a human body cell have? 46

3 How many chromosomes does a human sex cell have? 23 each

4 The sex cell of females is called? Egg

5 The sex cell of males is called? Sperm Cell size: n/cells/scale n/cells/scale

6 Why is it important that sex cells have half the usual number of chromosomes? So that the fertilized egg receives a normal number of chromosomes

7 During what process are sex cells made? Meiosis –Produces sex cells with half the number of chromosomes.

8 1 Prophase 2 7)How many steps? (Not counting cytokinesis) 9

9 8) How many chromosomes are in a human cell at the start of meiosis? 46

10 9) How many times do the chromosomes make copies of themselves during meiosis? once 1 Prophase 2

11 10) How many chromosomes are in the human cell after interphase? 92

12 11) How many divisions does meiosis have? 1 Prophase 2 2

13 12) How many cells do you start with in meiosis? How many cells do you end with? 1 Prophase 2 1 4

14 13) How many chromosomes are present in each human cell at the end of meiosis? 1 Prophase 2 23

15 14) Is each cell produced at the end of meiosis the same? Why? 1 Prophase 2 No To allow for genetic variations

16 Steps of Meiosis 1. Interphase - each chromosome copies itself

17 Steps of Meiosis 2. Prophase I - Homologous chromosomes (chromosomes that are the same) line up together

18 Steps of Meiosis - Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle and the spindle attaches to the centromere 3. Metaphase I

19 Steps of Meiosis - The homologous chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell - The centromere does NOT split 4. Anaphase I

20 Steps of Meiosis 5. Telophase I - Each cell now has a copy of each homologous chromosome - Cytokinesis occurs making 2 new cells

21 Steps of Meiosis Between Telophase 1 and Prophase 2: The cell now rests, no duplication of chromosomes occurs

22 Steps of Meiosis 6. Prophase II

23 Steps of Meiosis 7) Metaphase II

24 Steps of Meiosis 8. Anaphase II The centromere splits and sister chromatids separate

25 Steps of Meiosis 9. Telophase II

26 Result - 4 new daughter cells that are all genetically different - each new cell has half the number of chromosomes as the original cell

27 Spermatogenesis Males produce 4 sperm each round of meiosis

28 Oogenesis Females produce 1 egg (ovum) and 3 polar bodies each round of meiosis

29 Fertilization Fertilization will restore the original # of chromosomes 23 from egg + 23 from sperm 46 total chromosomes to make a human

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