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SMS Safety Procedures TORNADO / FIRE/ LOCKDOWN. Tornado Safety  When told by announcement, move to shelter. The shelter for my class is: downstairs in.

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Presentation on theme: "SMS Safety Procedures TORNADO / FIRE/ LOCKDOWN. Tornado Safety  When told by announcement, move to shelter. The shelter for my class is: downstairs in."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMS Safety Procedures TORNADO / FIRE/ LOCKDOWN

2 Tornado Safety  When told by announcement, move to shelter. The shelter for my class is: downstairs in science hallway  When there, face the wall, crouch down, and place your hands over your head.  Stay away from windows and exterior doors.  Return to class after “All Clear” announcement.

3 Fire Safety  All fire alarms require a complete evacuation of the school.  Close any windows and doors.  Take your red bag with you as all students and teachers leave the classroom.  Stay with your class and report to the safety zone. My class goes to Zone: 4  At your zone, stay still and quiet as role is taken.  Teachers report any additional student names or missing students to your zone leader.

4 Critical Incident/ Shelter in Place  Shelter in Place is used when there is possible threat in the area of the school, but the school is not directly in danger at this time.  After notification, teachers clear students from the hallways. Close and lock all doors and windows. Cover exterior window if possible.  Normal classroom activities should resume. Do not allow anyone to leave the classroom or change classes.  The normal school day will resume after the “All Clear” announcement.

5 Critical Incident / Lockdown  After notification, clear students from the hallway. All students should report to the nearest available classroom.  If students can not gain immediate access to a classroom they are to immediately leave the building and meet at the Quick Trip on the corner.  Close and lock all doors and windows. Close blinds and turn off lights.  Move students away from windows & doors. WE MOVE TO: corner by the closet  Quietly account for all students.  Only leave the room if there is an immediate threat.  Display the “need help” or “all clear” card after you have been instructed that there is no longer an immediate threat.

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