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Black Death Cures In the 14 th century no-one knew what the caused the Black Death.

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2 Black Death

3 Cures In the 14 th century no-one knew what the caused the Black Death

4 Sanitation I think we should clean the streets of human and animal waste. We should put it in a cart and bury it in a field outside the village. All bodies should be buried in a deep pit outside the village. The clothes of the dead should be burnt Toads should be placed on the plague boil. The toad will swell and draw out the poison of the plague to its own body Flagellants were people who believed that if they whipped themselves God would take pity on them Bleeding The pestilence must be in the blood. We should cut open the veins leading to the heart. This will allow the pestilence to leave the body.

5 Bad air Don’t breathe the same air as sick people. Stay away from sick people and lock them in their homes. Jews Blame Jewish and foreign people

6 Chickens Place a live hen next to the swelling to draw out the pestilence from the body. Urine To aid recovery you should drink a glass of your own urine twice a day. Run away People would sometimes flee on hearing news of the plague.

7 One group of people most affected by the plague were priests. When people thought they were going to die they asked a priest to say a prayer for them. High risk Job

8 High risk Poorer people living in towns were a higher risk of catching the pneumonic version of the plague. Because people lived closer together they were more likely to catch the bacteria which caused the disease.

9 Beliefs Because many priests had died many people changed their view of God The Church said the plague was a punishment for wickedness Because of this many people became superstitious

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