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EAGLE College Prep Title 1 Schoolwide Plan Heidi Simms, M.A. Principal Glenna Steiner, M.Ed. Title 1 Reading Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "EAGLE College Prep Title 1 Schoolwide Plan Heidi Simms, M.A. Principal Glenna Steiner, M.Ed. Title 1 Reading Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAGLE College Prep Title 1 Schoolwide Plan Heidi Simms, M.A. Principal Glenna Steiner, M.Ed. Title 1 Reading Specialist

2 Title 1 Team School Administrator:Heidi Simms Title 1 Reading Specialist: Glenna Steiner Parents: Bernadette Buehlmann, Tina Washburn and David Wolff Community Member: Erika Keenan Teachers: (determined each academic year)

3 Title 1 Requirements At least 40% free and reduced lunch applications Designated as Title 1 Schoolwide Parental Involvement Policy

4 Student Academic Achievement Goal During 2011-2012, 85% of all EAGLE scholars will meet or exceed the state standards as measured by the Galileo Reading assessment.

5 Title 1 Reading Students who score in the lowest 10% in their grade level as measured by the Galileo, Star reading tests, and classroom assessments will receive Title 1 Reading services with Title 1 Reading Specialist.

6 Highly Qualified Professional Development Provide mentoring for new teachers Training for all teachers in all programs, curriculum mapping process, materials, ELL, special education, classroom management, RTI, data analysis, etc. Experienced teachers serve as mentors and leaders of grade level teams and action research committees Participating in action research committees for reading, writing, character, and math

7 Goals to Increase Parent Involvement 1. Help parents develop better parenting skills (offering classes, disseminating information about local programs) 2. All families will volunteer a minimum of 10 hours 3. Support learning at home by offering workshops teaching parents how to set up supportive learning environment at home.

8 Goals Continued 4. Provide parents with opportunities to give input on pertinent school issues (surveys, coffee with the principal) 5. Collaborate with the local community to find volunteers to translate during parent/teacher conferences

9 Review Goals Title 1 Team will meet at least quarterly during the upcoming school year to ensure all goals and action steps are being met. Title 1 Team will review and revise the goals at the end of the school year in May or June 2012.

10 Questions/Suggestions

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