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Involves 4 Main Characteristics: 1. Commitment 2. Confidence 3. Composure 4. Character “Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.”

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Presentation on theme: "Involves 4 Main Characteristics: 1. Commitment 2. Confidence 3. Composure 4. Character “Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Involves 4 Main Characteristics: 1. Commitment 2. Confidence 3. Composure 4. Character “Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.”

2 Partner up to discuss and answer the following questions: 1. Define character. 2. How is good character displayed within the guidelines of your sport? 3. How is good character displayed in areas of life outside of sports? (Classroom, community and social life) 4. Does good or bad character carry over from life to the athletic field? Why or why not?

3 “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” General Norman Schwarzkopf

4 To earn the respect of your teammates and coaches, you must be willing to consistently do the right thing-no matter what the consequences. Must know the difference between right and wrong and to act accordingly. Understand you will NOT be perfect all the time, but you must hold yourself accountable to a higher standard. Your actions either reflect positively or negatively on the rest of the team. When being recruited, college coaches will ask about a high school player’s character!!

5 Any coincidence that their last two seasons have been horrible? 1-8 in 2012; 3-7 in 2013 9-3 in 2014; 2 nd in Region. Lost in Semi-Finals to Juab! doyel/23873858/life-lessons-humble-suspended-players- on-high-school-football-team doyel/23873858/life-lessons-humble-suspended-players- on-high-school-football-team Fremont Football Lack of senior Leadership and Character in 2012 and 2013? Other FHS male sports too? 3-8 in 2012; 1-9 in 2013 8-4 in 2014; 7-0 in region 1 and Region Champs; Won 8 straight games!

6 1. In Your Sport  Play with class.  Winning the right way is everything. “Would I love to win a National Championship? Absolutely! And is it something I think about? Absolutely! But I won’t do it at all costs. I won’t sell my soul to win a National Championship.” -Rhonda Revelle, Nebraska Head Softball Coach

7 1. In Your Sport  Play aggressively but not dirty. Let your actions speak louder than words.  Respect officials. Handle the bad calls with class. Don’t “Show up” officials. Let your coaches argue the calls. Being nice to them won’t guarantee that their calls go in your favor, but being a jerk to them doesn’t help your cause or your reputation.

8 1. In Your Sport  Obey the rules of the game, conference, and association. There is no “grey” area. Only “black” and “white”.  Watch your language. Swear words, racial comments, ethnic slurs, and comments about sexual orientation.  Be a classy winner and a classy loser. Celebrate victories and losses with sportsmanship. Don’t show up those you beat. Acknowledge your opponents when you lose. Karma will win eventually win out if they are not classy.  Mass Media and Social Media.

9 2. In the Classroom  Expected to lead in academics. You don’t have to be 4.o gpa, but you must apply yourself, attend classes regularly, be on time, pay attention, submit quality work, apply yourself, and do NOT cheat. YOUR WORK ETHIC IN THE CLASSROOM WILL CARRY OVER TO THE ATHELTIC FIELD.  Be at the “compliant” or “committed” level in terms of academics. (This year we had 13 football players with a 4.0 gpa 1 st quarter. Two were academic all-state; 3 were academic All-State in 2014)  Classroom behavior, work ethic, effort and “smarts” carries over to the athletic arena.

10 3. In Your Social Life  You must have a social life (need time to be a teenager), but you must keep your social life in control.  Balance and moderation.  Hang with “High Character” individuals. If you hang with crap you will eventually become crap. You will become high character if you hang with high character people.  In season your social life should rank 4th or 5 th behind family, religion, academics, and athletics.  90% of the drama in athletic programs comes from violating training rules and not abstaining from pre- marital sex. BOTH WILL QUICKLY FRAGMENT AND TEAR TEAMS APART! (Forever Strong) Next Slide


12 4. In the Community  Serve the community by doing team service projects.  Service projects are great team building activities.  Builds unity within the community, support for the school, and school pride.

13 Newspaper Headline Test: Imagine if what you are thinking about doing (or not doing) were a headline in the next morning’s newspaper. If the headline would cause you, your team, and/or your coach any embarrassment, then you probably have your answer. Proud to Tell Mom or Dad Test: Imagine having to tell your Mom or Dad what you have done. If they won’t be proud of your decision, then you likely have the right answer.

14 Honesty in the Best Policy: Being a person of character means you are honest and trustworthy. Integrity! Abide by the Rules: Abide by and model ALL of the team rules and standards. Can’t pick and choose which ones to follow. Respect Others: Show respect to everyone-coaches, teammates, managers, underclassmen, parents, trainers, teachers, fans, opponents, etc.  “Please” and “Thank you”.  Don’t EVER, EVER, EVER badmouth your coaches or teammates. What good can come from this? (P.S. They always find out about it eventually). Builder or wrecker?

15 1. List 3-5 major points or insights you gained from this lesson.


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