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KASI Galaxy Evolution Journal Club A Massive Protocluster of Galaxies at a Redshift of z ~ 5.3 - P. L. Capak et al. 2011, Nature, in press (arXive:1101.3586)

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Presentation on theme: "KASI Galaxy Evolution Journal Club A Massive Protocluster of Galaxies at a Redshift of z ~ 5.3 - P. L. Capak et al. 2011, Nature, in press (arXive:1101.3586)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KASI Galaxy Evolution Journal Club A Massive Protocluster of Galaxies at a Redshift of z ~ 5.3 - P. L. Capak et al. 2011, Nature, in press (arXive:1101.3586) - January 27, 2011 Joon Hyeop Lee

2 Cosmological simulation progenitors of present-day galaxy clusters: - M halo >2x10 11 M ⊙, M stars >4x10 9 M ⊙ at z ~ 6 - Local overdensities of massive galaxies on co- moving scale of 2-8 Mpc (coherently extend over tens of Mpc) - Owing to high mass densities and high merger rate, extreme phenomena (starbursts, quasars) should preferentially exist. Springel et al. (2005) Nature, 435, 629

3 Walter et al. (2003) Nature, 424, 406 Previous observations - Overdensities around radio galaxies on ~ 10-20 Mpc scales at z>5 - Large gas masses around quasars at z>5 - The available data are not comprehensive enough to constrain the mass of those protoclusters (and thus cosmological models) Overzier et al. (2009) ApJ, 704, 548

4 COSMOS + Keck II spectroscopy COSMOS (Cosmological Evolution Survey): Search for starbursts, quasars and massive galaxies as signposts of potential overdensities at high-z - Optical + NIR: optically bright objects at z>4 - mm + radio: extreme star formation activity - X-ray: potential luminous quasars Keck II + DEIMOS spectroscopy: measuring redshifts.

5 A Grouping of 4 major objects at z = 5.30

6 COSMOS AzTEC-3: extreme starburst galaxy (Riechers et al. 2010, ApJ, 720, L131) - molecular gas >5.3x10 10 M ⊙, dynamical mass (+ DM) >1.4x10 11 M ⊙ Overdensity near AzTEC-3: - L 60-120um ~ (1.7±0.8)x10 13 L ⊙ → SFR > 1500M ⊙ /yr : 100 times the rate of an average L * galaxy at z = 5.3... from empirical estimates based on: sub-mm flux, radio flux, CO luminosity + model fitting - 2.2x10 13 L ⊙ < L 8-1000um < 11x10 13 L ⊙... Large uncertainty: many assumptions in the models, lack of data constraining 140um emission... Sub-mm spectral slope favors models with colder dust (lower L)

7 Significance of the overdensity In the 1’x1’ (2.3x2.3 Mpc 2 at z = 5.3) area around AzTEC-3: - Expect to find 0.75±0.04 bright (z 850 <26) LBGs (z=5.3) - Actually find 8 LBGs (11-fold overdensity) Bouwens et al. (2007) ApJ, 670, 928

8 Overdensity Within 2 Mpc radius of AzTEC-3, 11 objects > L * → 11-fold overdensity → >9-σ significance, even if only the spectroscopically confirmed systems are considered. 3 of 11 objects are within properdistance of 12.2 kpc (2”) of AzTEC-3 +2 within 95 kpc (15.5”)

9 X-ray selected Quasar - X-ray selected z>5 quasars are extremely rare (detection limit) → One is found within 13 Mpc of AzTEC-3. → co-moving distance scale expected for protoclusters at z~5 - Optical spectrum: deep, blueshifted gas absorption features → strong winds driven by the energy dissipated from the rapid black-hole growth - - L X ~ 1.9x10 11 L ⊙, L bolometric > 8.3x10 11 L ⊙ (from SED) → L BH > 3x10 7 L ⊙ (supposing accretion at the Eddington rate) L BH > 3x10 8 L ⊙ (typical accretion of 1/10 Eddington rate) - Final BH – stellar mass relation: M BH ~ 0.002M star → This object will eventually have a stellar mass > 10 10 - 10 11 M ⊙ ~ to be placed the most luminous and massive objects at this redshift

10 Stellar mass - Stellar population model (single recent burst of SF) fitting to the rest-frame UV- optical SED - [OII] and Ha emission lines were added to the templates - Insufficient to fully break the age-dust degeneracy - However, the age 10 Myr is consistent with the Keck spectra features. → the resulting stellar mass is probably accurate to a factor of ~ 2


12 (Conservative) Stellar mass estimates AzTEC-3 - M star ~ (1-2)x10 10 M ⊙ → The baryonic matter is >70% gas. → gas nearly twice that found in typical starburst systems 11 objects in the protocluster core - M star, total > 2x10 10 M ⊙, individually 0.06x10 9 M ⊙ < M star < 10x10 9 M ⊙ - Lower limit on the total mass of this system (assuming a global DM/baryon ratio of 5.9; Larson et al. 2010, ApJS, in press): M halo, total > 4x10 11 M ⊙, with AzTEC-3 in a halo of mass > 10 11 M ⊙ → comparable to the halo masses predicted for galaxies that will eventually merge into present-day galaxy clusters (Walter et al. 2010, Nature, 424, 406) - Actuall mass is probably much higher, because much of the baryonic mass is probably in ubobserved hydrogen gas, and the starburst object alone accounts for >37% of the total mass. - The contribution of significantly more numerous, fainter (<L * ) galaxies are not counted in this mass estimate.

13 3 objects around AzTEC-3 Probably represent the progenitor of a massive central cluster galaxy (type cD) at lower redshift. - Already within the radius of a typical local cD galaxy - Dynamical timescale ~ 60 Myr (assuming σ ~ 200km/s) - Even for the objects at 95kpc, the dynamical timescale < 0.5 Gyr However, the observed stellar mass in these galaxies is significantly less than ~ 10 11 M ⊙ - 10 12 M ⊙ in a typical local cD galaxy. → The majority of the stars have yet to form.

14 Comparison with simulations Protocluster - in qualitative and quantitative agreement : Spatial extent, specific SFR, gas properties, and so on. Quasar - In agreement with with the models of the later phases of massive- galaxy formation when the quasar becomes visible. Unlike for previously described overdensities at z>5: - Strong spectroscopic and photometric evidence for a range of objects including massive, heavily star forming and active galaxies. - The effect of environment on galaxy formation as early as z~5 can be studied. Conclusion: This region contains a large-scale baryonic overdensity in the very early Universe that will evolve into a high-mass cluster like those observed at lower redshifts.

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