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Topic 5 – Contrasting Coasts GCSE Unit 1 Revision.

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1 Topic 5 – Contrasting Coasts GCSE Unit 1 Revision

2 Coastal Processes What are the main processes that occur at the coast?

3 Do you know the definitions? Erosion (hydraulic action, abrasion …) Transportation (Longshore drift) Deposition Weathering (Freeze thaw) Mass movement (rotational slumping)

4 Practice question Draw a labelled diagram to show how material is transported along the coastline. (4 marks)

5 What are the strengths and weaknesses of this answer? Is it worth 4 marks?

6 Erosional Features Watch the clip, writing the names of landforms you hear. (Do you need reminding what a coastal landform is?!!!) stal-erosion-and-landforms/9966.html

7 Formation of Sea Stacks Explain how sea stacks form using the words below. Erosion, cave, arch, stack You could also include: Weakness, stump

8 Depositional Features Watch the clip. Afterwards, you will need to draw a labelled sketch of how spits form. e-formation-of-spits/3246.html e-formation-of-spits/3246.html

9 Formation of a spit

10 Coastal Management Draw the table: Watch the clip and fill in the table to compare the 2 locations’ management. management-strategies-sea-defences-and- managed-retreat/3243.html management-strategies-sea-defences-and- managed-retreat/3243.html PorlockMinehead

11 Coastal Management What is the meaning of and advantages and disadvantages of…? 1.Managed Retreat 2.Soft Engineering 3.Hard Engineering

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