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Lassen Volcano National Park

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1 Lassen Volcano National Park
By Elise S.

2 Maps of Lassen Volcanic
Relief map of Lassen Volcanoes Topographic & Relief Map of Lassen Volcanoes Some important features at Lassen National Park are… Lassen Peak Pilot Pinnacle Mount Diller Brokeoff Mountain Mount Conard Mill Canyon Little Hot Springs Valley Cold Boiling Lake Devils Kitchen Boiling Springs Lake Drakesbad Growler Hot Spring Morgan Hot Springs Where Lassen National Park is in our Country

3 When & Why Lassen Volcanic became a National Park
Lassen Volcano became an official National Park on August 9, It was the 15th National Park. Since it was located in the most popular state at the time many towns people and ranchers visited it to camp and fish in surrounding land around Lassen Peak. It was great and people who lived near loved it, but it didn’t get many visitors from far away and it wasn’t likely to be a National Park for a long time. Then the volcano erupted and went dormant again. It soon became the most recent eruption in the United States. Still it was a small National Park, about only the size of 1/7 of Yosemite. The Gold rush brought the first settlers to California. 2 people named William Nobles and Peter Lassen made 2 pioneer trails. Parts of these trails are still in Lassen today. The park was named after Peter Lassen because he brought settlers here to try to build a city. Early on the area had been given protection that saved it from heavy logging. Even before then the Lassen area was a meeting place for a least 4 American Indian groups.

4 Environmental Issues Lassen Volcanic is facing global warming like we are. In some places the pikas are dying in lower elevations because their habitat is being lost. Many invasive plants are competing with native plants for water and sunlight. These plants are stronger and more adaptable so while more native plants start dying invasive plants are populating. Humans added a road, drainage, and irrigation ditches were installed to expand visiting and livestock areas. Instead this hurt the wetland/marsh nearby. This causes some wetland plants to die. They decided to build culverts to allow freshwater to flow and plugged drainage ditches. This help, but the problem is still going on today. Frogs were collected and pesticides were found in them. The figured out the pesticides sprayed by planes onto California's crops were blowing into the mountains getting into the water.

5 Special Landforms in Lassen Volcanic
There are many landforms at Lassen Volcanic including volcanoes, hot springs lakes and many others with individual names including… Mount Lassen Manzanita Lake Sulphur Works Devastated Area Interpretative Trail Devils Kitchen Fantastic Lava Beds Kings Creek Falls Chaos Crags and Jumbles Cliff Lake Snag Lake Submit Lake Terminal Geyser Echo Lake Trail Boiling Springs Lake Warner Valley Trailhead Caribou Wilderness Juniper Lake Kings Creek Fantastic Lava Beds Boiling Springs Lake Mount Lassen/Manzanita Lake

6 How Technology is Used to Help Preserve and Maintain Lassen Volcanic
It would usually take many months to clear the entire park from snow. Now a snow cat leads the way for 3 bulldozers and a snow blower. The cat has the help of global positioning technology and by doing it this way clearing the snow only takes about 2 ½ months working 10 hour shifts. Now much more of the park is open for playing in the snow, ski, and hike. They model and track volcanic ash to figure our when and where and when the volcanoes in the park will erupt to keep visitors and buildings safe.

7 Type of Rocks at Lassen Volcanic
I think igneous rocks are at Lassen Volcanic because many of them were formed underground by volcanoes like… Basalt Pumice Scoria And because Lassen Volcanic has volcanoes that did erupt and formed many of the igneous rocks you can find there today.

8 Types of Rocks That can be Found at Lassen Volcanic
Basalt Rhyolite Pumice Banded Pumice Scoria Andesite Dasite Black Dasite Lassen Peak Dasite Breccia Basaltic Andesite of Fantastic Lava Beds Hydrothermally Altered Rocks

9 How Lassen Volcanic was Formed
About 27,000 years ago Lassen Peak started as magma (molten rock) on Mount Tehama. The magma came from inside the earth and flowed upwards, over years and years it formed Lassen Peak. Now it’s 11,000ft high and more that 11 miles wide. Eventually the great Mount Tehama collapsed helping form smaller mountains around it. Lassen Peak is one of these smaller mountains. The last time it erupted was in It was a small eruption and didn’t cause that much damage to people or the surrounding area. This was about 5 years after it became and official National Park. Settlers came to Lassen Peak and saw the bubbling springs and vents spewing steam around Lassen Peak and assumed the volcano was extinct. The next year Lassen Peak erupted and the mountain top exploded. Now Lassen Peak is the most recent erupted volcano in the connected 48 states.

10 How is the Land at Lassen Volcanic is Changing Right Now
Lassen has many forest fires. Every year whole forests are burnt and the soil gets nutrients from the fallen trees to regrow again. When it rains and when the snow melts the rivers grow bigger. When this happens the rivers can carry bigger rocks and more silt. These things get dropped off and form new landforms around the park. When magma comes out of the volcanoes as lava it cools and adds to the mountains.

11 Bibliography - Pictures
"Lassen Volcanic National Park Devil's Kitchen by Scott McGuire." Fine Art America. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov "Lassen Volcanic National Park." Lassen Volcanic National Park. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov "“Hot Water” in Lassen Volcanic National Park— Fumaroles, Steaming Ground, and Boiling Mudpots | USGS Volcano Hazards Fact Sheet." “Hot Water” in Lassen Volcanic National Park— Fumaroles, Steaming Ground, and Boiling Mudpots | USGS Volcano Hazards Fact Sheet. N.p., n.dassen Volcanic National Park, California." Outdoor Exposure Photo RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov "Rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary." Rocks: Pictures of Igneous, Metamorphic and Se. Web. 14 Nov "Kings Creek Falls 3 Stock Image Ldimentary Rocks. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov "SALMON WALLPAPERS." FREE Wallpapers & Background Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov "Volcano Eruption - Lava Volcano Erupting - Hawaii Volcano - Lava Lake - Lava Flow " YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 22 Nov "Mountain River Wallpapers." HD Wallpapers OS Free HD Desktop Background Wallpapers. N.p., 25 Nov Web. 22 Nov "Worthy Park: Lassen Volcanic." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov "Bull Moose Swimming.jpg | Mark Picard." Bull Moose Swimming.jpg | Mark Picard. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec "Lava Flow 2." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec "Photographs of the Ridge Lakes Trail, Lassen Volcanic National Park." Mule Deer: Ridge Lakes, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec "View from the Other Side of Manzanita Lake - Picture of Manzanita Lake Camping Cabins, Lassen Volcanic National Park - TripAdvisor." View from the Other Side of Manzanita Lake - Picture of Manzanita Lake Camping Cabins, Lassen Volcanic National Park - TripAdvisor. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec

12 Bibliography - Websites
"Private Lands In The Lassen Volcanic National Park." Science (1938): History of Lassen Volcano National Park. Web. "Lassen Volcanic National Park." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 07 Aug Web. 22 Nov Koontz, Darlene M. "Lassen Volcanic National Park's Road Opens to Devastated Area." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 06 Dec Web. 06 Dec "Science Features." The Science of Living with Dangerous Volcanoes. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec "View from the Other Side of Manzanita Lake - Picture of Manzanita Lake Camping Cabins, Lassen Volcanic National Park - TripAdvisor." View from the Other Side of Manzanita Lake - Picture of Manzanita Lake Camping Cabins, Lassen Volcanic National Park - TripAdvisor. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec United States. National Park Service. "Current Conditions." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 15 Jan Web. 15 Jan

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