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SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity L2OS v611 status 12 February 2014 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity L2OS v611 status 12 February 2014 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity L2OS v611 status 12 February 2014 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL

2 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity v610 FAT 8/9 October 2013; v611 delivered 12 December 2014 Changes in v611 delivery: multi-threading optimisation global region defined for AUX_DTBXY_ L1 metrics updated galactic maps new DAP schema in v61x for faster ESL analysis Planning: v612 bug fix delivery due 28/02/2014 Tools prototyped for summer delivery On-going L1c v61x metrics analysis v620... L2OS v61x status

3 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Optimised multi-threading: stress test results L2OS v611: Optimised by skipping coast/land grid points (new Fg_ctrl_ignore flag) & code re-organisation Now close to reprocessing 12:1 target Detailed analysis in reports v610v611

4 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Global region for L1 metrics For each orbit, AUX_DTBXY_ contains per snapshot deltaTB for each region: List_of_SnapshotsRecord start Snapshot_IDSnapshot ID from L1c LatitudeSnapshot boresight latitude LongitudeSnapshot boresight longitude flagsL1c flags for first measurement in snapshot deltaTBMean deltaTB (= L1c BT minus forward model 1 BT) for all snapshot measurements within a 0.3 radius circle at xi/eta (0,0). List_of_SnapshotsRecord end Regions can be extracted routinely or for metrics:

5 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Updated AUX_GAL2OS First Stokes/2, old minus new map Updated GAL2OS with new sky map, without changing model fitting...

6 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Updated AUX_GAL_OS strong sources delta(new – old) delta(new – old)delta new Sky(PW) – Sky(JT) Difference between WEF smoothing using PW or JT’s method -0.5K to 2.6K near galactic plane, std 0.21K: only significant when WS < 2m/s (rare), and < other errors in SSS retrrieval

7 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Impact of new galactic map on SSS old GAL_OS & GAL2_OS new GALOS new GAL_OS & GAL2_OS

8 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity delta SSS (new – old) old GAL_OS & GAL2_OS delta(GALOS) delta(new GAL_OS & GAL2_OS) ~0.2 to 0.3 psu delta from ~0.1 to 0.2K in GAL2OS

9 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity GAL_OS applied at low wind speeds WSdelta(new GALOS)count(Fm_gal_noise_error) WS < 3m/s raises Fm_gal_noise_error in galactic plane

10 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity n x grid points: ID, lat/long priors & sigmas (4 x 14) posts & sigmas (4 x 14) oor flags (4 x 27) fields (8) m x measurements: flags (4 x 30) fields deltaTB (x4) TBgal (x2) n x grid points: ID, lat/long priors & sigmas (4 x 14) posts & sigmas (4 x 14) oor flags (4 x 27) fields (8) n x grid points: ID m x measurements: snapshot ID xi, eta flags (1 x 30) fields deltaTB (M1) TBgal (x2) Fixed block size grid points Variable block size grid points Variable block size measurements Improved DAP readability v600v61x xi/eta can be used to investigate deltaTBs (but need to read L1c to get BTs)

11 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Tools delivery April/May 2014 (see later ppt) Tuning L2OS v61x with L1 from metrics, & then from reprocessing thresholds (outlier detection, RFI, A3TEC, OTT post-processor), L1 flags improving & cross-verifying RFI detection Would be good to see impact of L2OS/L1 v61x before defining L2OS v620 v620 September/October delivery 2014, possible evolution: refining A3TEC retrieval – eg land improving & cross-verifying RFI detection … L2OS short-term plan

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