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Types of Conflict. Internal versus External Conflict Conflict – a struggle between opposing forces or characters. Without conflict, a story would be boring!

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1 Types of Conflict

2 Internal versus External Conflict Conflict – a struggle between opposing forces or characters. Without conflict, a story would be boring! A story can have several conflicts The main conflict is central to the plot and is usually resolved by the resolution or end of the story.

3 Internal Conflict Takes place inside a character’s mind or heart Sometimes involves a decision Andy's decision

4 External Conflict Takes place between a character and something outside the character. Outside forces: nature, an event/situation, or another character Buzz and Woody

5 Man versus Self (internal) A struggle between a character and his feelings, conscience, or fear

6 Man versus Man (external) A struggle, mental or physical, between two characters The other character can be the antagonist (the villain, or bad guy)

7 Man versus Nature (external) A struggle between a character and mother nature. Mother nature = weather, animals, insects, sickness, epidemics

8 Man versus Society (external) A struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group Could involve poverty, politics, social norms, expectations, or values

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