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Introduction to Graph Theory & its Applications

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1 Introduction to Graph Theory & its Applications
Lecture 02: Mathematical Preliminary (I)

2 Getting Started … This and next classes serve as a review for some elementary mathematical concepts (there should be nothing new to you) Sets Functions Parity Mathematical induction Counting techniques Permutations and combinations Pascal’s triangle and combinatorial identities

3 Parity Whether an integer is even or odd. Questions:
Even: 2n Odd: 2n+1 Questions: Q1: So, is 0 even or odd? Q2: Is parity preserved when we square an integer? A product of integers is even at least one of the factors is even.

4 Sets Definition: Well-defined collection of distinct object.
A set of prime number A set of rich people is not legitimate (why?) meaning x being an element of A A set is finite if we can count the number of elements it contains. Otherwise, the set is infinite. Examples?

5 Set Subset: Set A is a subset of B if every element of A is also in B,
For any set A, we have |A| is the cardinality, which is the number elements contained in A. Power set: The set of all subset of A, What is of A={a,b}? If A contains n element, what is the size of

6 Set Operations Union : merging two sets A and B.
Intersection : set of all elements that belong to both A and B. Both union and intersect obey Associativity Commutativity Distributive law

7 Set Operations Universal set U: The set to which we restrict our attention Complement of A: The set containing all elements in U but not in A. DeMorgan’s Law:

8 Set: Cartesian Product
: set of all ordered pairs (a,b), where and Give A={1,2,3} and B={x,y}, find AxB A relation from set A to B: A subset of AxB What are the possible relations?

9 Set: Cartesian Product
A function from A to B, : a relation in which each element of A appears as the first coordinate of precisely one ordered pair in a relation (A is the domain, and B is the range) A function is one-to-one if the second coordinates are distinct. We must have is onto if each element of B appears at least once. A one-to-one and onto function is …

10 Mathematical Induction
A powerful proof technique. It consists of two steps: Step1 (basic step): Prove that the statement Sn is true for some starting value of n Step2 (inductive step): Assuming that Sn is true for n=k, prove it is also true for n=k+1 Prove the following statement by induction Triangular number

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