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1 INSPIRE Links to EU water policy Interlinked activities Jean Dusart European Commission - Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment & Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "1 INSPIRE Links to EU water policy Interlinked activities Jean Dusart European Commission - Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment & Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 INSPIRE Links to EU water policy Interlinked activities Jean Dusart European Commission - Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment & Sustainability Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit Via E. Fermi, 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy Meeting of the Working Group D on Reporting under WFD (29-30 September 2009)

2 2 2 Outline Current developments Concrete steps towards INSPIRE integration to the WFD reporting obligations Influence INSPIRE

3 3 3 INSPIRE Components Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, invoke) –Made available trough the European geo-portal Data and Service sharing (policy) Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting INSPIRE is a Framework Directive: Detailed technical provisions for the issues above will be laid down in Implementing Rules Once adopted, Implementing Rules become European legislative acts and national law in 27 Member States and in some EFTA countries

4 4 Implementing Rules on Metadata Published in the Official Journal on 4 December 2008, entry into force on 24 December 2008 (1205/2008/EC) Non-binding guidelines for Metadata Implementing Rules using EN ISO 19115/19119 Already transposed in WISE GIS Guidance Document version 2: –Chapter 5.5. Metadata Implementation –Appendix with revised WISE Metadata Profile Two years for MS to create Metadata for Annex I and II (24 th December 2010), 5 years for Annex III Annex I covers the following themes: –Addresses –Administrative Areas –Cadastral Parcels –Geographical Names –Geographical Grid Systems –Protected Sites –Transport Networks –Coordinate Reference Systems –Hydrography

5 5 Additional Metadata requirements The metadata describing a spatial data set or a spatial data set series related to the theme Hydrography shall comprise the metadata elements required by Regulation 1205/2008/EC (implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata) for spatial datasets and spatial dataset series as well as the metadata elements specified in Table 13. 5 INSPIRE Data Specification Hydrography Section Metadata elementMultiplicityCondition 8.1.1Coordinate Reference System1 8.1.22Temporal Reference System0..*Mandatory, if the spatial data set or one of its feature types contains temporal information that does not refer to the Gregorian Calendar or the Coordinated Universal Time. 8.1.33Encoding1 8.1.44Data Quality – Logical Consistency – Topological Consistency 0..*Mandatory if the data set does not assure centreline topology (connectivity of centrelines) for the network. Table 13 – Mandatory and conditional theme-specific metadata for the theme Hydrography

6 6 Optional Metadata elements The metadata describing a spatial data set or a spatial data set series related to the theme Hydrography should comprise the theme-specific metadata elements specified in Table 14 6 INSPIRE Data Specification Hydrography Section Metadata elementMultiplicity 8.2.1 Maintenance Information 0..1 8.2.2Data Quality – Completeness – Commission 0..* 8.2.3 Data Quality – Completeness – Omission 0..* 8.2.4 Data Quality – Logical consistency – Conceptual consistency 0..* 8.2.5 Data Quality – Logical consistency – Domain consistency 0..* 8.2.6Data Quality – Logical consistency – Topological Consistency 0..* 8.2.7Data Quality – Positional accuracy – Absolute or external accuracy 0..* 8.2.8Data Quality – Thematic accuracy – Non-quantitative attribute correctness 0..* 8.2.9Data Quality – Thematic accuracy – Quantitative attribute correctness 0..* 8.2.10Identification – Extent 0..* 8.2.11Distribution – Digital Transfer Options 0..1 Table 14 – Optional theme-specific metadata for the theme Hydrography

7 7 Preparing WISE metadata Don’t wait for transposition into national legislation: INSPIRE as a Directive and its related implementing rules have to be implemented according to the calendar defined in the Directive (see roadmap on: Different tools/initiatives –INSPIRE Metadata Editor prototype: test it for validating your metadata against INSPIRE mandatory elements: –INSPIRE Metadata validator soon to be made available on INSPIRE GeoPortal –Create or use existing GeoNetwork 2.4.1 metadata templates (EMWIS) –OpenSource INSPIRE Metadata Editor to be funded under FP7 EuroGeoss and made available for further customization early 2010 Don’t wait for a fit-for-all-purposes metadata editor, use the soon to be released schema (EEA) with any XML editor and start filling metadata. Fill metadata for both spatial datasets of relevance for WFD reporting obligations (see GIS Guidance Document) and spatial data services (use GetCapabilities requests) 7

8 8 Discovery and View Services Under scrutiny by the Council and Parliament Expected to be approved by the Commission before the end of 2009 Will take form of a regulation with amendments for the others services (download, transformation, invoke) New technical guidance documents published this Summer (on INSPIRE website) Next technical guidance documents taken over by IOC Specification for data services (for example hydrography) include portrayal rules for view services = rules for layers and styles to be used for portrayal of the spatial objects types defined for the theme (including color chart and symbols) Recommendations for MSs and EEA/Topic Centers:  progressive re-engineering of water related view services in accordance to INSPIRE view services implementing rules (deadline ± October 2011)  Publication of INSPIRE metadata (sent as part of reporting obligations with the geospatial datasets) in catalogues for discovery purposes (deadline ± October 2011) 8

9 9 Download and Transformation Services New version (3.0) of the IRs and the related technical guidance documents since last Friday To be submitted to the INSPIRE CT in December Future technical guidance documents taken over by IOC Invoke study on state of play by the end of the year  WISE Distributed architecture to be considered as a playground for testing some of the download and transformation IRs.  EEA Wise viewer extended to support direct accss download services (WFS) 9

10 10 Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Development of these Implementing Rules follow a three- step approach: 1.Development of conceptual framework and specification methodology (by Data Specification Drafting Team) 2.Development of data specifications for each spatial data theme (by different Thematic Working Groups) 3.Preparation of the Implementing Rules based on data specifications (by the Commission)

11 11 INSPIRE data specifications for Annex I themes Directive Generic Conceptual Model, Encoding Guidelines, ISO 19100 Standards Cadastral Parcels Geographical Names Hydrography Transport Networks Protected Sites Administrative Units In force Baseline Next revision: 09/2009 ANNEX I 1st Draft (internal): 09/2008 2nd Draft (public): 12/2008 Testing: 10/2008 – 03/2009 Stakeholder consultation: 12/2008 – 02/2009 3rd Draft: 09/2009 Addresses Reference Systems (Coordinates, Grids) 11

12 12 Data Specifications Cooperative, joint effort between WISE TG/SG and INSPIRE Thematic Working Group First results published in September: INSPIRE Data specifications on Hydrography guidelines (Annex I): SPIRE_DataSpecification_HY_v3.0.pdf Data specifications (Annex I) submitted to INSPIRE Regulatory Committee in December for adoption Scrutiny procedure starts early 2010 Publication in the official journal foreseen second half of 2010

13 13 The outcome Agreement for WISE to extend from INSPIRE –One, integrated model serving two needs –Easier on Member States –WISE reports first INSPIRE compliant reporting formats?

14 14 IR – Proposed Structure Generic Conceptual Model (D2.5) Specifications CRS & GGS Data Specifications GN, AU, AD, CP, TN, HY, PS

15 15 Geographic objects in Inspire vs WISE River network (“physical objects”) defined in Annex I Groundwater defined in Annex II Many other physical objects defined in Annex III –‘Placeholders’ in Annex I theme Hydrography Reporting areas, Monitoring locations etc part of Annex III –Waterbodies defined in Annex I –Riverbasin district not yet defined; Annex III theme? –Monitoring point is placeholder in Annex I theme Hydrography; definition in Annex III Conclusion: many (all?) geographic aspects of WISE are covered in Inspire!

16 16 INSPIRE – Annex III Data In red the themes of direct relevance to the Water Framework Directive Target : Agreed specifications by May 2012 (less comprehensive than Annex I/II) First implementation in WFD progress on implementation of programmes of measures (March 2013) 11.Area management/restriction /regulation zones & reporting units 12.Natural risk zones 13.Atmospheric conditions 14.Meteorological geographical features 15.Oceanographic geographical features 16.Sea regions 17.Bio-geographical regions 18.Habitats and biotopes 19.Species distribution 20.Energy Resources 21.Mineral resources 1.Statistical units 2.Buildings 3.Soil 4.Land use 5.Human health and safety 6.Utility and governmental services 7.Environmental monitoring facilities 8.Production and industrial facilities 9.Agricultural and aquaculture facilities 10.Population distribution – demography

17 17 Reporting obligations in Inspire vs WISE INSPIRE: –Only ‘geographic objects’ covered. Exception are water bodies. –So far no harmonization for what is to be reported (e.g. water quality; status information etc) –Extension pattern in Annex I theme Hydrography as informative Annex to Data Specification (non-binding) –Specifications from ‘logical’ perspective for all geographic objects WISE –Focus on what is to be reported and not to geographic objects. –Geographical objects == carrier of information to be reported –Technical specifications from practical / legislative perspective? Conclusion: Specifications have overlaps but are also complementing each other!

18 18 INSPIRE Data Specifications & WISE Guidance INSPIRE data specifications are not intended to cover all kinds of data requirements –Legally Mandated Organisations in Member States will typically maintain more data than covered by INSPIRE data specifications –Focus is on the spatial aspects Member States are encouraged to: –Extend spatial object types and add new properties –Specify additional constraints applicable to the own data sets –Re-use of INSPIRE objects to spatially enable application data 18

19 19 How to influence INSPIRE? Get to know your national INSPIRE point of contact and the transposed legislation (deadline was 15/05/2009). Become a SDIC/LMO to actively influence INSPIRE development Participate in the Call for expressions of interest: INSPIRE development (open since 9/9/2009) React to the call for manifestation of interest to Annexes II and III work (to be launched the 9/10/2009) as SDICs/LMOs of your own country or by mandating WISE SDIC to act as such  thematic working groups for Annexes II and III  delegation of DS development to organisations that have already largely adopted technical specifications INSPIRE Forum: available on-line the 12/10/2009 Participate to the next INSPIRE Conference or national equivalent events 19

20 20 Thank you!

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