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Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Gavin A Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Gavin A Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Gavin A Kelly

2 Why AARTO ?? Swift adjudication of infringements Enforced penalties Completed prosecution of offences Point demerit system for problem areas Provide education and awareness Monitored and recorded communication Effective policing of offences

3 AARTO is..... Computer system New fine and penalty structures Tracking and tracing Demerit point scheme Aim To promote road traffic quality by providing for a scheme to discourage road traffic contraventions

4 Administrative Adjudication Removes offences from the current court process Requires intelligent / interactive policing Controlled by Minister of Transport (not Justice) Administration (notices, payments, points, contracts) Prosecution (representation, penalties, warrants) Communication (PR, education and awareness)

5 Administration E-NaTIS contravention register Correspondence management (notices, etc) Payment management (points / options / tracing) Offence process tracking (outstanding) Demerit points (allocation / withdrawal) Retraining and property confiscation Manage service agreements (police / suppliers)

6 Prosecution Uniform infringements and offences Representation / withdrawal management Enforcement support (technical / training) Penalty tracking and enforcement Provision of experts for prosecution Generation of warrants / enforcement orders Management of dedicated Sheriffs

7 Communication Accessible, secure personal data query facility Accessible, secure personal data query facility Continuous, simple communication programmes Swift, transparent and fair prosecution Public education and help desk function Swift, documented and secure communication

8 Adjudication system 32 days to pay (50% discount) Fine paid (Points allocated) Issue of Infringement Notice (Minor offences) Process complete

9 Adjudication system Not paid in 32 days Courtesy Letter (32 days) 100% fine payable Fee for courtesy letter Full fine paid Fee for letter paid (Points allocated) Issue of Infringement Notice (Minor offences) Process complete

10 Adjudication system First notice 32 days Enforcement Order 32 days Fee for Order Issue of Infringement Notice (Minor offences) Courtesy 32 days Process complete Full fine paid Fee for letter paid Fee for Order paid (Points allocated)

11 Adjudication Warrant Seize property Seize licence / permit Seize vehicle licence / operator card Immobilise vehicle Payment failure Ignore all notices (96 days)

12 Adjudication Legal Processes CourtAARTO Any time in processRepresentation Defend charges Special traffic court Nominate driver Charge withdrawn

13 Adjudication Demerit Points AllocationReduction Driver / owner / operator Various values / weights Suspension from 13 1 point per 3 months Reinstated from 12

14 Licence / PrDP / operator card implications Exceed 12 points as a driver / owner or operator 1 st time - suspension 2 nd time - suspension 3 rd time - cancellation

15 Outside the Box Sustainable growth of a safe transport system means attitude change is necessary. This is both in road users and road police. AARTO aims to encourage all road users to be better behaved – by aiming at violations and dealing with them. Thank you

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