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Transition at SCSDB Interagency Teaming and Student Directed Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition at SCSDB Interagency Teaming and Student Directed Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition at SCSDB Interagency Teaming and Student Directed Services

2 If you don’t know where you’re going you might not get there. –Yogi Berra

3 What IDEA Says Section 1400(c)(14) (34) Transition Services - The term `transition services' means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that-

4 (A) is designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child's movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

5 (B) is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests;

6 (C) includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.

7 Pre-Transition Career Awareness Career Exploration Enter Transition Transition Assessment, Interest Inventories, Career Guidance Person Centered Planning Meeting IEP with Transition Plan Included Is Developed Transition Programming In-School Coursework Selected CATE Course Completion Work Based Learning Connections Made with Post-HS Transition and Support Agencies Exit School Programming Connections Made with Post-HS Transition and Support Agencies Cases Transferred to Post-HS Agencies Post-Graduation Surveys and Placement Tracking Occur

8 Person Centered Planning Philosophy Planning that has as its the goal increasing a person’s participation in a community PCP is focused on inclusion and community integration Places emphasis on transforming the options available to the person rather than “’fixing” or changing the person PCP differs from previous service delivery by placing the person in the center of decision making and treating family members as partners

9 Person Centered Planning Process Person Centered Planning at SCSDB is currently a transition planning process that is facilitated by the Transition Coordinator and/or Guidance Counselors Currently, 7 th graders and older students in great need are involved in Person Centered Planning meetings Person Centered Planning is considered an informal transition assessment The information that comes out of a PCP meeting will be summarized to include on the IEP

10 Person Centered Planning Approach Significant impact in the lives of people who use human support services Enthusiasm and commitment are critical Person directs their own services and supports Excellent way of planning for those that find it difficult to plan their lives or find that other individuals are planning their lives for them Meets the legal requirements of IDEA,WIOA and HCBS waivers Takes into consideration needs, strengths, preferences and interests

11 Pre-Transition Career Awareness Career Exploration Enter Transition Transition Assessment, Interest Inventories, Career Guidance Person Centered Planning Meeting IEP with Transition Plan Included Is Developed Transition Programming In-School Coursework Selected CATE Course Completion Work Based Learning Connections Made with Post-HS Transition and Support Agencies Exit School Programming Connections Made with Post-HS Transition and Support Agencies Cases Transferred to Post-HS Agencies Post-Graduation Surveys and Placement Tracking Occur

12 CATE Coursework Clusters include: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, A/V and Communication Business Management and Administration Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Marketing Education and Training

13 Work Based Learning Job Shadowing and Virtual Job Shadowing Referral to SCVRD or SCCB and DDSN, if indicated Work Experience through SCVRD JRT Workshop Work Experience on campus Work Experience off campus

14 Pre-Transition Career Awareness Career Exploration Enter Transition Transition Assessment, Interest Inventories, Career Guidance Person Centered Planning Meeting IEP with Transition Plan Included Is Developed Transition Programming In-School Coursework Selected CATE Course Completion Work Based Learning Connections Made with Post-HS Transition and Support Agencies Exit School Programming Connections Made with Post-HS Transition and Support Agencies Cases Transferred to Post-HS Agencies Post-Graduation Surveys and Placement Tracking Occur

15 Other Areas of Instruction Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Benefits Coordination Ongoing Connection with Agencies Supporting Employment Travel Training and/or Driver’s Education

16 Parent Input What is SCSDB doing well with Transition? Where do we need to improve?

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