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The cold war. USA vs. Sovjet Union Democracy vs. Communism.

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Presentation on theme: "The cold war. USA vs. Sovjet Union Democracy vs. Communism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The cold war

2 USA vs. Sovjet Union Democracy vs. Communism

3 Berlin

4 The world 1945 - 1991

5 The two parts USA The Western world France, England, Denmark, Canada ect. The Sovjet Union RussiaRussia, Lithuania, Latvi a, Estonia, Belarus, Ukr aine, and MoldovaLithuaniaLatvi aEstoniaBelarusUkr aineMoldova The Eastern Europe Poland, Hungary ect.

6 The two ideas Democracy - People decide - Different parties Communism - ”Extreme socialism” - No social classes og state - The people owns everything – no private property - No money = no state

7 Two super powers Who’s best/fastest 1: The Ideologi 2: The Arms race (a-bomb ect.) 3: The Moon race (July 20th, 1969)

8 Proxy war A 3rd party fights for you Vietnam war

9 The everyday life in USA Spies A-bomb 3rd World War The Cuba Crisis

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