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Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

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1 Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future
Martin Kraus December 16, 2004

2 Contents past: publications summarized in the chapter “Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering” of “The Visualization Handbook.” present: new publications in 2004 future: open problems/work in progress Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

3 Pre-Integration: The Past
reference: Kraus and Ertl, “Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering” in Johnson and Hansen (eds.), “The Visualization Handbook”, 2004 written: Spring 2003 goals: structured summary of pre-integrated techniques consistent notation show the big picture Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

4 Pre-Integration: The Past
contents of chapter 10 in the Vis Handbook: introduction to pre-int. volume rendering pre-integrated volume rendering algorithms accelerated pre-integration pre-integrated rendering techniques open problems Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

5 Pre-Integration: The Past
introduction to pre-int. volume rendering volume rendering integral pre- and post- classification numerical integration pre-integrated classification viewing ray pixel sampling points eye point viewing ray back front sampling sampling point eye point point Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

6 Pre-Integration: The Past
pre-integrated volume rendering algorithms pre-integrated cell projection Max et al (VolVis) Röttger et al (Vis), 2002 (VolVis) Guthe et al (HWWS) Weiler et al (VolVis), 2003 (TVCG) pre-int. texture-based volume rendering Engel et al (HWWS) ... Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

7 Pre-Integration: The Past
pre-integrated volume rendering algorithms ... pre-integrated ray casting Knittel 2002 (EG) Meißner et al (HWWS) Roettger et al (VisSym) Weiler et al (Vis) pre-integrated shear-warp algorithm Schulze et al (VG) Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

8 Pre-Integration: The Past
accelerated pre-integration local updates of lookup tables particular optical models pre-int. for a single sampling distance pre-int. without self-attenuation of segments hardware-accelerated pre-integration Roettger et al (VolVis) incremental pre-integration Weiler et al (Vis) Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

9 Pre-Integration: The Past
pre-integrated rendering techniques isosurface rendering Röttger et al (Vis) Engel et al (HWWS) volume shading Meißner et al (GI) volume clipping Roettger et al (VisSym) Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

10 Pre-Integration: The Past
open problems multidimensional transfer functions see also Kniss et al (Vis) other volume rendering algorithms additional acceleration techniques further illumination models higher-order interpolation Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

11 Pre-Integration: The Present
important techniques published in 2004: basics perspective interpolation partial pre-integration accelerated pre-integration incremental pre-integration of 2D tables logarithmic scale of third dimension pre-integrated volume lighting Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

12 Pre-Integration: The Present
perspective interpolation published by Kraus et al (Vis) implements perspective correct interpolation of sampled data for projected tetrahedra Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

13 Pre-Integration: The Present
partial pre-integration published by Moreland, Angel 2004 (VolVis) pre-integrates linear transfer functions advantage: tables are independent of transfer functions disadvantage: requires decomposition into linear segments implemented for projection of tetrahedra Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

14 Pre-Integration: The Present
incremental pre-integration of 2D tables published by Lum et al (VisSym) computes entries of 2D lookup tables incrementally along diagonals can be combined with incremental integration in third dimension (sampling distance) back scalar front scalar Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

15 Pre-Integration: The Present
logarithmic scale of third dimension published by Kraus et al (Vis) pre-integrates 3D lookup table with entries for sampling distances 0, d, 2d, 4d, 8d, 16d, ... uses a fragment program to access table Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

16 Pre-Integration: The Present
pre-integrated volume lighting published by Lum et al (VisSym) pre-computes front-weighted and back-weighted transfer functions to interpolate lighting at front and back sampling point front-weighted back-weighted front scalar back scalar Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

17 Pre-Integration: The Present
pre-integrated volume lighting (continued) Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

18 Pre-Integration: The Present
current state of the art: solutions for rendering artifacts available efficient pre-integration available combination with volume lighting available conclusions: pre-integrated volume rendering with 1D transfer functions is well understood there are no excuses for bad rendering quality Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

19 Pre-Integration: The Future
open problems / work in progress multidimensional transfer functions pre-integration in image plane pre-integrated texture sampling Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

20 Pre-Integration: The Future
multidimensional transfer functions is a straight line the correct path of integration between (s1f,s2f) and (s1b,s2b)? yes, for piecewise- linear data, e.g., in tetrahedral meshes s2 (s1b,s2b) ? (s1f,s2f) s1 Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

21 Pre-Integration: The Future
multidimensional transfer functions (cont.) but straight lines can cause problems: “fine” sampling “coarse” sampling s2 s2 s2iso s2iso point missed s1 s1 s1iso s1iso Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

22 Pre-Integration: The Future
multidimensional transfer functions (cont.) alternative approach: integrate over bounding box of each pair of sampling points implementable with summed area tables (Green, GDC 2003) s2 s2iso point covered s1 s1iso Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

23 Pre-Integration: The Future
pre-integration in image plane problem: viewing rays might miss thin lines pre-integration in the image plane might be able to catch them s2 s2iso s1 s1iso Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

24 Pre-Integration: The Future
pre-integrated texture sampling problem: mip maps are good for pre-classification no obvious solution for post-classification approach: apply pre-integration to the filtering Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

25 Pre-Integration: The Future
conclusions: next step: pre-integration for multidimensional transfer functions pre-integration might be applicable to many more (filtered) sampling processes in computer graphics Pre-Integrate Volume Rendering: Past, Present, Future

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