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Name Here 66 Points.  Winds and Weather Summative  Put ur name in it fo.

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Presentation on theme: "Name Here 66 Points.  Winds and Weather Summative  Put ur name in it fo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Here 66 Points

2  Winds and Weather Summative  Put ur name in it fo shur!

3 Find this section All answer to the cloze and animation will be found in this section Here is the CLOZE activityCLOZE Screenshot Cloze activity Here 5 pts

4 In Flow of Fresh Water Rates of Evaporation Water Movement Screenshot where the animation talks about the inflow of fresh water Play this cloze and screenshot final answerscloze Screenshot where the animation talks about rates of evaporation Play this cloze and screenshot final answerscloze Screenshot where the animation talks about water movement Play this cloze and screenshot final answerscloze 7 pts 9 pts 8 pts

5  Watch this moviemovie Write down 5 observations from the movie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 pts

6 Screenshot map without ocean wind currents Screenshot map with wind currents overlaid Use the reading at the top of the animation to answer these questions questions Animation Screenshot cloze answers 5 pts

7 Animation Make it look like this Use the whole map to answer the following questionsquestions Screenshot your cloze answers here 13 pts Map of the worlds gyres List the 5 gyres in the world oceans 1. 2. 3. 4 5

8 1.Coriolis Effect MovieMovie Play this activity to apply your knowledgeactivity Screenshot Coriolis Effect Cloze here 2. Play the following game. Beat it three times and screenshot when you 2. Play the following game. Beat it three times and screenshot when you Victory 1Victory 2 Victory 3 13 pts

9 Watch this moviemovie Answer these QuestionsQuestions Screenshot Cloze answers here 14 pts Google search for an image of the gulf stream

10 1. Ocean Conveyor Belt MovieMovieFill in this cloze activityactivity 2. Ocean Conveyor Belt Animation Animation Beat the Quiz in the Animation and screenshot PROOF here 10 pts

11 Click on animationanimation Beat this Cloze GameCloze Screenshot the score here Find a map that shows the upwelling of nutrients on google image. 6 pts

12 Ocean Currents Surface Currents Surface Currents _Deep Ocean Currents _Deep Ocean Currents Produced by ________ Gyre Currents move from ______, towards _______ _________ Effect Deflected right in the north and left in the south by the…… Effects Climate The deflected current like the __________…. Salinity and _______ Deep ocean currents are caused by …. ___________ Coastal winds can cause cold water to rise up during. The ______ Conveyor __________ Surface water sinks at the poles and rises at the equator to create world-wide system called:

13  Screenshot final score

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