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The Wyndham Hall 2014 - Project. History of Wyndham Hall The building Cost to build £1474.19.9 Received from Mr William Wyndham £1475.0.0 Seats made in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wyndham Hall 2014 - Project. History of Wyndham Hall The building Cost to build £1474.19.9 Received from Mr William Wyndham £1475.0.0 Seats made in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wyndham Hall 2014 - Project

2 History of Wyndham Hall The building Cost to build £1474.19.9 Received from Mr William Wyndham £1475.0.0 Seats made in Manchester for £42.12.0 Opened on 11 th October 1927


4 Daylight in the hall

5 Somerset County Council Involvement In 1958 SCC took a 49 year Lease on part of the Castle estate. This was a full repairing lease, with a requirement to maintain it in the same condition or better as in 1958. The Current lease in 2008 is for 49 years. This was modified to give SANHS a 5 year option to take back the Hall (with a long stop date in 2019). SCC now wish to sub-let Taunton Castle to the South West Heritage Trust (SWHT). Wyndham Hall is an issue because of the SANHS option. SWHT is unlikely to accept the hall in the sub-lease with the option in place. Expected vesting date Sept/Oct 2014.

6 Wyndham Hall environs

7 Options open to SANHS Rewrite the lease to allow SWHT time to get its act together. Say 5 years to get an agreed development package. SANHS decide now to take back the hall and develop it. No clear view on its sustainability. SANHS decides to take back the hall and sell it. Would this be the best solution for Heritage in Somerset? Status Quo – SANHS to decide within 5 years if and how the hall should be developed. The hall is likely to stay with the SCC full repairing lease. SANHS need to find partners and capital grants.

8 Possible new Wyndham Hall


10 Decisions to be made Do we feel there is value in SANHS office being located in the hall? Currently our office is rent free. Do we keep the raked floor? Should we consider extras, e.g. Tea room, book shop.............? Can we let the meeting space to recover costs? Is Wyndham Hall key to SANHS charitable remit? Estimated costs :- Capital rebuild cost of a basic rebuild ~ £250K to £300K Basic running cost inc Vat ~ £7K to £8K

11 Status Quo, with a request on SCC for an occupation licence so that we can continue to use the hall and possibly undertake a short- term cosmetic improvement with a view to (within 2 years) finding partners and funding for a full refurbishment. Estates Working Group (EWG) Recommendation

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