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Why wouldn’t The Ultimate work without Physics? PBL.

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Presentation on theme: "Why wouldn’t The Ultimate work without Physics? PBL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why wouldn’t The Ultimate work without Physics? PBL

2 Take a look at these! PBL

3 Create a learning resource for Year 8 students to learn about Physics before their Light Water Valley trip PBL

4 What would make a “great” learning resource? PBL Put your ideas on our Project Based Learning wall PBL

5 Your final work will be exhibited at the Year 7 parents’ evening PBL

6 Don’t panic! Your team will have 13 lessons (13 hours) to complete this project PBL

7 What will you learn? Collaboration Critical thinking Problem solving Physics! PBL

8 Public critique Be kind Be specific Be helpful PBL Every week your work will be Publically Critiqued by your colleagues – their feedback will enable you to improve your work.

9 Liam STyler. K RebeccaGeorge Maddie CaitlinCameron CharlotteElizabeth Jordan. P MatthewRuby NathanKyle Amelia TawaAmy CaseyJosh Tyler. S ConnorLauren DanielPierce Eva CallumLiam. T OliverJordan. B Niall

10 Today’s tasks Get into your teams Look at the project calendar Define roles Start to brainstorm ideas Keep all your work in your PBL folder PBL


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